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Opinions - horse art

edited January 2011 in Artist Alley
<img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Not horrible given I took that off a photo taken from tour --- the lighting was absolutely wretched then [early morning, fog]<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>I like this I was just sketching for the heck of it and thought why not the univerisal rearing horse look<br><br><br><br>My question is, would ya pay for such if you were playing VHR?<br><br>if interested anyone may offer suggestions for prices
BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune


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