<br><br><br>Wow, I am beyond frustrated. <br><br>I was at work yesterday (for those of you who don't know I work at a Humane Society). Yesterday was a volunteer orientation, where new volunteers can come and take a little tour, gain some knowledge, and get a little hands on experience. <br>After the orientation is over, we ask if anyone wishes to stay and walk dogs. A lot of people stayed (about 10) so we had to assign dogs to people who could handle them.<br>My bosses and I (I was the only employee signed up that day >.<) went around and assigned dogs to each person. <br>In this scenario, we don't get out the dogs who show any signs of dog aggression because of the risk. <br>Well we got everyone out with a dog, went over the rules and whatnot, and went out to the back area to make sure everything went smoothly. <br>I had been walking a mastif (named Bueford) for a while so I decided to keep him out with me while I watched. <br>I was standing with my back to the door of the building about 20 feet away. I heard the metal door swing open and figured no one shut it all the way and it was just the wind. I turned back around a few seconds later and saw this man, about 35 years old bringing out Ashton. <br>The <span style="font-style:italic">most dog aggressive dog I've ever seen</span>.<br>I yelled for my boss, shoved Bueford in the back dog run, and went towards this man.<br>As I got closer I noticed the following...<br>- the harness was not on right, it was WAY too loose, Ashton could easily turn his body and get out<br>- the leash was an old crappy one, meant for a small dog. Ashton is a lab mix<br>- the man was holding the leash with one hand, my the loop at the end of the leash<br>I grabbed Ashton's leash from the guy, got Ashton to a point where I could get him to a sit between my legs so he couldn't move, and yelled for my boss again.<br>Then out of no where, this younger girl comes around the corner with a corgi mix and Ashton goes CRAZY, lunging, snarling, growling, barking, you name it he did it.<br>Luckily I had him uner control and eventually dragged him inside.<br>When I came back out, this is what I heard from my boss talking to this man. My boss was pretty darn upset.<br>Boss: "Did you get permission from any staff member to bring this dog out?"<br>Man: "Nah, he was the only one left in there and I felt bad."<br>Boss: "DId you read the signs on his kennel?"<br>Man: "Yeah it said something about not giving him wet food or something."<br>Boss: "So you didn't read the other signs?"<br>Man: "what other signs?"<br><br>My boss took teh man inside and showed him the signs...<br>- ATTENTION: STAFF ONLY<br>- PLEASE DO NOT WALK WITHOUT STAFF ASSISTANCE<br>- DO NOT STICK FINGERS IN CAGE OR ATTEMPT TO PET<br>- FLAGGED AS DOG AGGRESSIVE<br>- NO WET FOOD<br><br><br>The signs are in bold, red letters placed at eye level, clearly viewable before you enter the kennel.<br><br>Come one people, we have signs for a reason, a dog could have been easily injured or killed, or even injured a person. had I not caught him walking out of the kennel.<br><br><br>Seriously?!
I Keith Urban!