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*dances with happiness*

edited January 2011 in Vent
I joined a new swim team. It's one of the largest teams in the state, I believe, but it has tiers. I happen to be almost to the Senior team, but got put on the Bronze [which is three away from Senior] because I am not used to swimming year round and I cannot do butterfly. This is a year- round team, as stated. Because of this, there is no definite start or end to the team. It is an annual $110 and a monthly $120 to swim at this place.<br><br>Until tonight.<br><br>I finally. FINALLY. After three freeking years of trying to do fly, I got it. Is it the best? No. But I did it. Coach comes up to me and says, "Well, Kaitlyn. I have some good news." Of course, I think, 'oh good, my times improved!' or, 'Oh good, I'm starting to catch up with the rest of this team.'<br>Nein, fraulein.<br>Coach says, "You are now able to do a legal butterfly." Legal. As in, I can actually do it now. o_o I'm skeptical. "Are you lying?"<br>"Would I lie to you?" <br>"I have no clue."<br>"Well, maybe some other night I would but not tonight. You have a legal butterfly. Practice makes perfect."<br><br>So, I'm happy. I saw my school swim coach and was like "JAMIE I CAN DO A LEGAL BUTTERFLY NOW!"<br><br><br>I'm not bragging. I'm not the best. I need improvement. But, if I can improve all my times -and- my butterfly, I should have at least B times before this time next year. Maybe better. And, this thrills me beyond belief. I love my sport. I love the feeling of the water. I love the stress release. I love it all. (:<br><br>Oh, and I bought an iTouch.<br><br>Anyhow, I'm off to bed. Night all. <3
"I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
Semper Fi.


  • Congrats! I remember you writing about being worried over doing butterflies. <br>Hard work definitely pays off!
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
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