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Opinions on . . .

edited January 2011 in General Discussion
What do you think about using newspaper as guinea pig bedding? Is it a safe alternative? I've been researching about it, but it's all mixed answers. I just need to know if it would be dangerous or not. My main concern is them eating it. I don't think it would be good to my guinea pigs to intake ink. :roll: . The bedding I used cost $ 24 for 50L [is that right?]. It only gives me about 3 chages. :shock: . My brother thought it would be better and cheaper to use shredded newspaper. I'm kind of against it. I'll probably have to convince him that it's not safe to use, if that's the case. But I have found some nice website where you can order the bedding in bulk for much less. So, what do you think? Is it safe?<br>Thanks! :lol:


  • I had the same problem! I had a show rabbit that was allergic/ couldn't handle being on any type of sawdust or even hay for that matter. I used newspaper- and I learned that the local paper doesn't use black ink-but green in high concentration. I found this out when Beau would spill his water on the newspaper and get green feet! Once he could handle regular shavings, his green thumb went away! I have no idea about whether its bad for them to ingest it... I never though about that then. <br><br>I found a really good litter alternative called Carefresh- its essentially cellulose fibers- and they are very absorptive.Its very soft on old bunnies, safe for ingestion, but is a tad expensive- but now I only use it . I think on the east coast of USA its like $20 for 12.5 liters, but it fluffs out to around 22 liters. I don't know if they have it in your area, but its worth a try.
  • I currently use CareFresh and it is about equivelent to 25 USD, here. I also have a pretty big cage so it take alot to fill it all up. I was cleaning the cage out today and found that all the newspaper stuck together forming something that looked like a long paper mache thing. XD Lol, anyways. I just put it in yeaterday, it doesn't absord very well, and smells pretty bad after just a day. They always nibbled on the CareFresh bedding, so they also think they can nibble on the newspaper, but, I just know know if it would be dangerous or not.
  • Well, I know this is going to sound weird. But they say if you ever have a baby outside of a hospital, like, if you can't get to a hospital in time, to wrap the newborn in newspaper until you get it to the hospital. I've used newspaper shreddings for my hamster his whole existence, as I assumed if it's safe for a newborn to be covered in, it would be safe for an animal to live in. It also absorbs water a lot better than most wood chip bedding.
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • That's not weird at all. :roll: But, speaking of newborns . . . we are expecting little piglets, because, well Almond isn't exactly a girl any more. Well, not that he ever was, it's just now we know. xD We're going to have to fill up alot of cages now, three cages. :P Thanks for the info.
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