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What a good dog.

Copper, my Pug/Beagle cross we rescued as a pup, has turned out to be just the best dog. He's four now, and he is just the calmest thing. He looks at me with those big eyes and awaits my instructions- he picked up on housetraining easily, and has succeeded completely with that, no accidents, ever. Not since the first four days we had him, anyway. :roll: <br><br>He used to sleep with me in my bed, *under the covers, may I add, what a spoiled thing* but lately my two cats have made it impossible to share the bed with the dog, not enough room- and he gets annoyed when they curl up right on top of his little frame. He's a little guy, only 18 lbs. He does an exaggerated yawn/stretch/sleepy walk every morning and obediently follows whoever's up first directly to the back door to go outside. Even when it is raining, cold, snowing, wind's blowing, it's hailing- he never hesitates to follow you into the blistery outdoors, do what he needs to do, while I run back inside to avoid the cold. Haha :lol: He will then sit at the edge of the steps and wait for me to unhook him from his 10' metal chain and bring him inside.<br><br>Every day, twice a day, I tell him to "go sit by your bowl" and he dashes off and sits right by his bowl, with enough room for me not to step on his toes when I open the closet to scoop up his measured amount of food. He then trembles with excitement, but does not move towards the food, until I say "all right, eat up." After snarfing down his food (it must be the Beagle side of him to act as if he's starving when he's at a perfect, healthy weight deemed by the vet) he will jump up onto the couch and huddle up in a little ball, curling his furry white-tipped tail across his nose and eyes. His orange fur makes him look like a fox, when he sleeps like that.<br><br>I just feel like happy venting about what a good boy he is. He has his downs, like every dog! If you leave something at the edge of the table or coffee table, he'll reach his nose up to it and snarf it down in an instant. If someone too tall or too strange appears at the door, the hair on the back of his neck will raise, he'll bark a few loud times, whatever. He doesn't throw a fit like many annoying lapdogs I have had the misfortune of meeting. Dogs need discipline, which those dogs don't get because their owners spoil them without reason- and don't care to train them at all. That's just another topic altogether which I could rant about for hours, but I'm just clarifying that he is well disciplined. If he barks excessively, he gets a smack on the nose and a stern, calm "NO." Then I rub his ears when he quiets down and tell him "good boy." After a few weeks of this, he rarely barks other than the occasional person at the door.<br><br>He gets along with everybody- I socialized him well, and trained him well, I might add :mrgreen: , but he does get along splendidly with both my cats- he curls up and sleeps beside them, lets them poke him as he lays on the floor and lets them lick his face. I taught him from a young age to allow me to clip his nails, to examine his teeth, to poke around near his eyes and ears. He lets me bathe, brush, clip nails, get goop out of his eyeballs, etc, all patiently and obediently. He is friendly with children, strangers, the vet- everyone. With very young children, and elderly people, however, he lowers the velocity of his tail-wagging, lowers his head a bit, and gets this especially gentle look in his eyes. He licks their hands very kindly and I don't know how he knows, but he knows. Some people say that your dogs feed off your aura, your emotions, so to speak- maybe he does. I'm not sure. I know for sure they do feed off your body language, so perhaps that is also true. He is also very good with other dogs- he will wag his tail nervously as even the largest and most intimidating dogs sniff him up and hop around frantically, barking deep, booming barks. He knows when I am sad... and he crawls over to me and looks at me like he knows exactly what I'm thinking.<br><br>I've had two dogs prior to Copper, but he really is the best dog I've had so far, and I'm grateful to have him to brighten up my day. There's my rant ^_^ Maybe somebody else will just appreciate it with me. :)


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