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Hurt my throat. Update: Good News

For those that have had their wisdom teeth removed, or any oral surgery, what did you eat? I'm not going to go into detail, at least not at the moment, but last night I injured my mouth very, very badly. We called a family friend that is a dental surgeon, and he doesn't think I need stitches, but we have to keep an eye on it for a few days to make sure. Nonetheless, it is very hard for me to swallow. I'm having trouble just staying hydrated. I already made jello, but I haven't tried eating it yet. I also have applesauce, and cup-a-soup in the pantry.<br><br>So what do you recommend that will be easy to swallow?
I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.


  • Lukewarm soup, ice cream maybe? Suck on some ice cubes if you can, if you don't think cold will do more harm than good.
  • Have you tried smoothies? Or Shakes? You can add fruits, veggies to help boost the nutrition, and they taste pretty good! Hope it all gets better!
  • Kazuko wrote:
    Lukewarm soup, ice cream maybe? Suck on some ice cubes if you can, if you don't think cold will do more harm than good.
    <br> I'm not a big fan of ice cream, but that makes me think about yogurt, or frozen yogurt. I wonder if I could get my mother to go buy me some. Ice has been helping a little, and it's the only was I'm getting any water at the moment.<br><br>
    Rubien wrote:
    Have you tried smoothies? Or Shakes? You can add fruits, veggies to help boost the nutrition, and they taste pretty good! Hope it all gets better!
    <br>Blended fruits and vegetables sound good. I don't have any good ones to blend in the house, but I might be able to get some tonight.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • when my brother had his wisdom teeth pulled he had soup, jello and pudding.<br><br>I hate when my mouth hurts D: I hope you get better soon <3
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I'm pretty sure the first thing I wanted after my wisdom teeth was a chocolate milkshake from McDonald's. Ha ha. After that it was milkshakes all the time! It was awesome! We crushed up multivitamin pills and some protein powder into them so I still got all my nutrients, but other than that I had milkshakes. Soup is a bad idea after oral surgery, I've had it twice and was told to avoid soup at all costs. The heat is apparently bad for the healing or something or other. If I find my instructions I will post them for you.
  • when my brother had his wisdom teeth pulled he had soup, jello and pudding.<br><br>I hate when my mouth hurts D: I hope you get better soon <3
    <br>For some reason I'd really like some banana pudding, but I just don't think I could swallow it at the moment. I've also been craving PB&J, which obviously isn't an option. D: It sucks to crave something, and know I'm not going to be able to have it for some time.<br><br>
    I'm pretty sure the first thing I wanted after my wisdom teeth was a chocolate milkshake from McDonald's. Ha ha. After that it was milkshakes all the time! It was awesome! We crushed up multivitamin pills and some protein powder into them so I still got all my nutrients, but other than that I had milkshakes. Soup is a bad idea after oral surgery, I've had it twice and was told to avoid soup at all costs. The heat is apparently bad for the healing or something or other. If I find my instructions I will post them for you.
    <br> I like the idea of crushing up pills. It's very smart! I completely didn't think about that, and I've been laying in bed worried about how I'm supposed to take my regular multivitamin and calcium pill(they are big pills!). My mother has a whole bunch of protein powder, but I just bought some pre-made protein shakes on Sunday. They taste like chocolate milk. They'll be great to have once I can swallow better.<br><br> I was told soup is fine, but it can't be hot. It has to be just barely warm, or cold soup. Thankfully, there are lots of cold soups I like.The only way I'll have tomato soup is when it's chilled. Tomato soup, or V8, will probably become my main food for awhile. The cold is soothing, and helps speed up healing.<br><br>
    <br> As for today, I haven't been able to eat or drink anything. I tried some water after numbing my mouth, and choked, which caused me a lot of pain from coughing. I tried jello two different times today, but couldn't even swallow the smallest amount without being in a lot of pain, or choking. If I can't start drinking by tomorrow I'm probably going to have to go get some help at the hospital, which I want to avoid, but it's just so painful to swallow, and choking makes it so much worse.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • i ate mashed potatoes and pudding. My wisdom teethed healed really quick though. I hope you feel better.
  • Another Idea for the smoothies is to pour in boost, but be carefull with them, they are equivalent to a whole meal nutrition-wise. They don't taste the greatest but they will give you all the nutrition you could want in a meal
    Your lack of grammar is equal to my lack of respect...
  • Last night I was getting quite ill from not eating or drinking for more than a day(I lost a good 5-8 pounds in water weight!), but thankfully I was able to get a small amount of applesauce, and half a bottle of gatorade down for breakfast, which has me feeling SO much better. I'm going to try to have a protein shake later, but I have to give my mouth a rest after eating/drinking, or else it swells, and bleeds, which is painful, and increases my chance of infection. I swear though, why is that when you CAN'T eat something you suddenly start to CRAVE it. I've been craving PB&J, pancakes, and oatmeal cookies...I should just stop watching the Food Network, before I make myself more miserable. lol.<br><br>My mother has a dentist appointment on Thursday, so she's taking me with her to have x-rays, and make sure infection isn't setting in. I hope everything comes back alright. I'm concerned about scar tissue forming in an uncomfortable manner.<br><br>
    i ate mashed potatoes and pudding. My wisdom teethed healed really quick though. I hope you feel better.
    <br>Oh mashed potatoes sound good, or mashed cauliflower. I'm just too worried to eat hot things right now, but when I heal just a little bit more I think mashed potatoes would be lovely. Some country gravy would make them all the more delectable. <br><br>
    bookryder wrote:
    Another Idea for the smoothies is to pour in boost, but be carefull with them, they are equivalent to a whole meal nutrition-wise. They don't taste the greatest but they will give you all the nutrition you could want in a meal
    <br>My mother drinks boost for when she works, but I'm not sure if there is any left in the house. I could use a meal replacement at the moment, because I can't get much down. I'll have to go search the pantry. If they'll give me energy, then I don't care how bad they taste. <br><br>
    <br>Thank you for the suggestions everyone. I think I got a pretty good list of ideas that I can eat for the next week or so while I heal up.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • You could also try mac and cheese, I mashed the shells against the roof of my mouth and that worked pretty well. Or also dip bread in sauce and eat it cause it gets all mushy and soft.
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    You could also try mac and cheese, I mashed the shells against the roof of my mouth and that worked pretty well. Or also dip bread in sauce and eat it cause it gets all mushy and soft.
    <br> The problem with me is the roof of my mouth, and throat though. I have a triangular gash that is at least an inch, and extends from the hard palate to the soft palate. It was very, very deep, but I can't say for certain how deep. I also have a cut on the uvula, and lots of bruising, which prevented me from swallowing and talking for almost 2 days(I'm slowly getting both back). Since this happened almost 4 days ago, I've only been able to get down cold apple sauce, a little jello, Gatorade, water, and a protein shake. I tried 2 sips of tomato soup, but it made my mouth throb and sting(too acidic I think). Solids just plain scare me at the moment. I'm so worried to poke the top of my mouth, even with my tongue, because it's so painful, and I want to avoid infection/problems from food getting stuck in the wounds.<br><br> Mac and cheese would be great for my mood. It's probably because I ate it a lot as a kid, but it always makes me happy. I'm just not healed enough to have it at the moment. I'll probably stay on food that doesn't need to be chewed until I get an exam and x-rays on Thursday morning. If there is no infection, and it's healing up right, then hopefully I can try something soft like mac and cheese after the visit.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • The pantry didn't have much for me to eat, so I got some food at the grocery store tonight. I'm just so, so weak, and now my <span style="font-style:italic">whole </span>mouth has a stinging sensation on top of the pain. Due to the sudden stinging sensation I wasn't able to eat much today, and talking is still very difficult. I had a whole cup of yogurt though! I enjoyed that, and think it came just in time, because I was very dizzy, and seeing spots, but within an hour of eating the yogurt I felt strong enough to get up, and take care of some simple chores I haven't been able to get done. I hope the food I bought helps me get some energy, because school starts on Tuesday, and I'm going to need to concentrate.<br><br>This is what I'm starting with:<br>1. Unsweetened apple sauce<br>2. Apple Sauce and pomegranate cups<br>3. Some kind of frozen fruit sauce<br>4. Protein shakes<br>5. Yogurt<br>6. Canned creamy soups<br>7. Boost<br>8. Gatorade<br>9. Jello<br><br>I'll eat the above until Thursday, and then I really hope I can start eating soft foods like mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, soups, soaked graham crackers, egg whites, etc. after my dentist visit. Overall, this really sucks, but I guess I'm lucky that it wasn't as worse as it could have been.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • I really hope it heals as fast as possible because that sounds really painful! And if I couldnt eat solids Id be very moody. So dont get well soon..Get well now!
  • I don't know if this will work, but my grandmother used to tear up bread and soak it in milk until is was almost drinkable. You could do something similar with like beef or chicken boullion (not too strong or the salt will sting) or even soaking crackers in tea or soup.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    I really hope it heals as fast as possible because that sounds really painful! And if I couldnt eat solids Id be very moody. So dont get well soon..Get well now!
    <br> Thank you. It's definitely healing, but it's just so bad that it's going to take longer than I had hoped. I thought I would have been able to move onto soft solids by today, but I can't. It was only last night that I was finally able to start having a little creamy soup. Everything that's happened this week has me moody, and the fatigue from not being able to eat makes it WAY worse. Today I ended up having a little break down after some bad news, but felt so much better once I got it all out.<br><br> As for the bad news...the dentist caught a cold, and has to reschedule. We don't know how long it will take her to get better, but we hope she can do the exam and x-rays on Monday. Tonight my grandfather called the pharmacy and got me antibiotics though, so I'm not as freaked out as I have been all week; however, I am still worried that it's going to heal wrong, which is a time sensitive thing.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • Okay, so I did a little minor home doctoring last night, since I could not handle being unable to talk or swallow normally for the rest of my life if this healed wrong, and it's taking forever to get someone to see me. All I did was use a Q-tip, and some gentle pushing to fix it a little, and boy is it so much better! It will never be perfect, but I can live with how it is now, as long as it heals this way. I can also talk almost completely normal. I still talk a little funny, because I'm being very cautious, so it doesn't go back to how it was. Swallowing is better too, but I'm going to hold off on soft solids until tomorrow, and then maybe I'll try some mashed potatoes, or crackers, or something. I'll just have to wait to see how it looks in the morning.<br><br>My mother is just worried that the skin might die and scar over, which will be ok, or leave the bone open, which will be bad. I also still don't know if I broke the hard palate, and what will have to be done if I did. That really worries me, but I'm hoping, and thinking I didn't.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">GOOD NEWS</span><br>Last night I had mac & cheese, because I messed up my soup. I didn't have to much trouble eating it, though it did cause me to remove some of the dead skin, which meant I had to really clean my mouth afterward. Today I had a PB&J sandwich...probably not the best idea, but as long as I drank some water before swallowing it went down. I'd say I'm nearly back to normal, though I'm avoiding anything really salty or crunchy(chips, cereal, etc), because the last thing I want is stinging, or to poke the top of my mouth. Tomorrow morning I am celebrating my recovery with pancakes! Yay!<br><br> Honestly, at this point I think I am going to forgo a visit to the dentist. I have antibiotics, and it's healing. I'm just going to have one nasty scar on the roof of my mouth that I'll have to live with.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • Glad to hear youre doing well!
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