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A cow related vent I should have posted in August

edited January 2011 in Vent
Gah Dear annoying college girl with a drink, don't walk into the cow barn well texting, then stand in the door when Im trying to walk my at least 600 pound animal out the door to get milked. <br>Dear mother who doesn't watch her kids, don't yell at me cause your kid runs in front of my 5ft 9in ish cow at the last second. Yes I could have run them over, but its your job to watch them.<br>Dear Lady who wont move, I show cows and goats today. I need out of the dairy barn with this cow now so I can show then run out of the ring to the goat barn. You CANNOT stand in the middle of the aisle on show day. At least move after I've asked please. I'll ask nicely three times then just plow you over, its not my fault you can't listen.<br><br>So thats a series of vents I have about people at our state fair -_- I feel snobby and kinda rude. But seriously your in an animal barn have some more respect for the exhibitors. After going to 6 different fairs this summer, its the same type that cause grief. The ones that bug me the most are the moms who yell at me cause I almost ran over her kid cause they didn't watch the kid and it ran in front of me. I'm sorry I cant stop my 600ish pound cow in a millisecond.<br><br>This may make me sound like the bad guy, but show cows a day at our state fair and you'll feel like wow this is great -_-


  • I can relate Wheatums, I can relate.<br><br>I was tacking up Georgia at a show, she wasn't on a double lead, so her big butt stuck out into the aisle.<br>This kid, who must've been 7 or 8 RUNS, not walks, not quickly jogs, RUNS right behind her. <br>She flinched and the kid is pretty damn lucky she didn't get so spooked she kicked or that kid could have very well been killed.<br><br>I also hate the people who insist on sticking their hands in a stall that has a sign, posted in 4 spots on the stall in BOLD RED letters that says..."Please don't stick fingers in my stall or try to pet me, I may bite!"<br>and yet, wadda they do?!?! and they did it WHILE i was in the stall.<br>SERIOUSLY?! Come on! Next time I'll let Gambie bite you, then we'll see if you wanna stick your fingers back in his stall.<br><br>Uhg.
  • I avoid these barns all the time at our local fair, so at least I am not an annoying person! Lol.<br>Mainly because as a kid I saw someone get kicked and well, I'm not a fan of walking behind them.<br>I don't know why, I have walked behind, in front and under horses, but cows... Forget it. Although they are the cutest thing.
  • I can relate! I showed for many years in 4-H, and regional, and even with signs and double barriers- the kids get threw! And I love how some parents turn the kids loose, and expect you to be the one worrying about their kid, and your 600lb plus animal! You can be assured, my kids will not be in the classification of loose child at the fair!
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