Ughh. My arms itch AND ache and are all splotchy at the same time. I had to go have a series of shots and vaccinations for CNA last Friday, and I'm allergic to the preservatives they put in shots, so I always have bad local reactions to EVERYTHING. Last week I had to have a TB test, a varicella titer (check too see that I have had the chickenpox vaccine), and a flu shot. Sounds pretty painless, yea? Well, I was fine on Friday, and the TB test and titer are supposed to be painless after the fact with no swelling, but it's normal for a flu shot to hurt a little afterward. I noticed at work on Sunday night that my entire right forearm felt like a huge bruise, and when I rolled my sleeve up I had two enormous red patched where they stuck me with needles, and the site where they took the TB test was raised and hard (which is what they look for when they check it for positive TB), so I freaked out. We went to get it read yesterday, like you're supposed to, and I'm not TB positive but I do have a severe local reaction. It hurts to move my arm.
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oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
10.31.10 ❤</span></div>