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Shut up. Opinions?

edited January 2011 in Vent
So I have this friend- well call him Zak. And Zaks in high school, about...16 I think? Well im younger by a lot.Double digits is all I can say I am. We talk all the time, text, phone, email ect...but its just friendly stuff. Like hey whats up, crack a few jokes, hows it going bla bla bla bla but hes really nice and I consider him a good friend. <br> Well my friends are saying tis wrong to be friends with someone with such a big age diffrence. I can see that if he was my boy friend or such, but not if where just friends! They say it chould influence my behavior, wich for one if anyones the "bad" kid its me. And 2, Is not like we bff gotta do everything together. I mean This is dumb, but I want opinions. Is it wrong to be friends withsome whos so much older there not even in the same school group as you???


  • My husband had just turned eighteen, and I was a few months off of 15 when we started dating. Now, I wouldn't suggest you date him, but unless he starts acting inappropriately towards you or requesting you to start some bad habits, I'd say there's nothing wrong with it.
  • Age doesn't really bother me. Personally, I would rather be friends with, and talk to, most individuals that are a good 10+ years older than myself, instead of talk to people in my own age group, which I do sometimes do, since I often have classmates who have their own children my age. Now, when it comes to young girls, and teenage boys....that just makes a lot of people, myself included, nervous for reasons I'm sure I don't need to mention. What you should do is talk to your parents about it. If they are okay with you two hanging out, despite the difference in age, then I don't see much of a problem.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • Kazuko wrote:
    My husband had just turned eighteen, and I was a few months off of 15 when we started dating. Now, I wouldn't suggest you date him, but unless he starts acting inappropriately towards you or requesting you to start some bad habits, I'd say there's nothing wrong with it.
    <br><br>Thanks finally someone who agrees!!! Nothing bad has ever come in our conversations. We just talk like normal people. Infact im the one who swears or tells crude joke haha (tom boy at heart)
  • Age doesn't really bother me. Personally, I would rather be friends with, and talk to, most individuals that are a good 10+ years older than myself, instead of talk to people in my own age group, which I do sometimes do, since I often have classmates who have their own children my age. Now, when it comes to young girls, and teenage boys....that just makes a lot of people, myself included, nervous for reasons I'm sure I don't need to mention. What you should do is talk to your parents about it. If they are okay with you two hanging out, despite the difference in age, then I don't see much of a problem.
    <br><br>We dont really hang out like make meetings to see eachother. We talk through technology and, at school games or outings we talk. Thats it. But I see your point, and I knew someone whould make that comment about teen boys and girls haha. Deff not like that but my parents know where friends and there cool. <br> So im glad you agree for the most part Kaz and Prince, I just needed to vent. Everyday forsome reason my friends pick on me about it and Idk why. They need something to talk about in there own boring lifes I suppose /:
  • I LOVE people who are older than me. I can barely stand anyone my age, because they are so immature. My best friend is 9 years older than me(Were related, but even if we werent shed still be my best friend). I hang out with her and her friends a lot, and they are all 5-13 years older(she has an older brother I hang out with, hence the big jump between the years) than me. My parents dont care because they know Id never let them force me into something I didnt want to do, because theyve tried it before and its never worked. If your parents are okay with it then dont worry what your friends say. My friends my age thought it was weird at first but theyve gotten used to it and they even hang out with us too sometimes. Seeing as you and your friends are younger girls they probably think its scary. (Im assuming) they dont have friends that age, so they think something has to be going on or you wouldnt either. As long as you know nothing is going on, thats all that matters and let them think what they want.
  • I agree with others. I'm still in the higher grades of high school and i have friends that are in their higher 20's and early 30's :) I just don't suggest dating him till you get older lol
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