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10x4 German Eichstädt Bully(CHANGES MADE, LOOK!)

edited January 2011 in Auction
Alright so I have finished my 10x4 PB line, *claps*. I want to keep this breed very private. I debated over and over again but finally I have decided that I have to get some cash. I would like to quickly thank all the trainers that made this possible, you know who you are. I will be selling 1 NEUTERED 10x4, the only reason the pup is not neutered now is in case it doesnt sell. The pup will come with my brand in front of name you choose. I reserve the right to not sell if I do not like the bids. Not only will this be the only 10x4 I auction off, it will be the ONLY 10x4 I release to the public! This includes friends, so only me and the winning bidder will have a 10x4 ever. If you just want a pup of lower stats or of a certain color maybe we can work something out but I am not sure because like I said I do not want to release many at all. I will not accept traninings, but I may accept other PB 10x4s or Gifties with some cash as a bid, I will want some VPC no matter what. Please if you have a 10x4 or Giftie to trade PM me about it, do not clog up this thread. Um, I think that is about all there is to say so,<br><br>Happy Biddding :)<br><br>Here is the pup: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>SB: 1mil<br>HB: 30mil(this was more a straight in game offer to buy but I thought I'd give you guys the chance to make a higher offer, if no one wants to go higher then I will sell it to them tomorrow morning)<br>BIN: None!(want this to keep going)
Training Kennel Boarding Kennel Breeding Kennel Rescue/Collection Kennel
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