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Showing,People leaving VP,etc

I just am thinking how so many well known players are leaving VP (Im not wellknown but i was one of them till now), and how people are getting more into showing dogs. I -love- showing and I love competition but it seems like everyone is only doing like 2-3 events with their dogs and I like variety ,lol, anyone want to show some Canine Discers? haha jk! They are some of my prized possesions. Whats does everyone else think?
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • Ive actually always believed that VP would sooner or later<br>migrate to showdogs. VP has ALWAYS been about things that<br>are hard to get. First... gifties. EVERYONE wanted them until the<br>colors were SO common that they werent a "delicacy" anymore. <br>So THEN everyone went to 10x4's because they were a challenge.<br>But now that everyone seems to have 10x4's what will they go towards?<br>International's of course! Ive been showing for years and building up my lines<br>so when the time came I wouldn't be left in the dust. LOL
  • HAHA me too! well Ive been showing and not letting my good show dogs get too old to breed, so when the time came I could breed then train the pups instead of just letting the pups rot away lol.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • ive got 2 pups from international parents rotting in a boarding kennel xDDDDDD
  • hahaha!!!<br>I have a TON of rare giftys and imports and stuff trying to sell but its rotting in my sales kennel lol<br>how high is courage and adapt.?
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • hahaha!!!<br>I have a TON of rare giftys and imports and stuff trying to sell but its rotting in my sales kennel lol<br>how high is courage and adapt.?
    <br>i cant tell. Theyre secret weapons xDD
  • haha<br>fine! Il just see if i can find them in ur kennel!!! haha jk<br>i never really understood/cared (cuz i specialize in mushing,canine disc,and some times racing and a few other things lol) what does high adapt/courage do?
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • xD it ups some shows chances of placing high. And yea my pups are where one is showing in woeking, and the other is a sporting pup.
  • haha ok.<br>would you be willing to show 3 canine discers for me? xD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • ive already entered some of my dogs into all the disc competitions. i cant enter any more
  • lol. you do canine disc too? haha!<br>u would tho? if i entered the dogs in it?<br>i want them to national but idk if theyll make it xD so i just want their winnings up.
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I could get in trouble for having more than 4 dogs in events. <br>Ive actually switched dogs from kennels before and been contacted <br>by an op for having 6 dogs in the same event =\
  • oh. :/ <br>well when ur done showing urs tell me HAHAHAHA jk , unless you want to lol
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • lol! Sorry my showing isnt open to the public
  • lol ok thats fine xDDD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Ive actually always believed that VP would sooner or later<br>migrate to showdogs. VP has ALWAYS been about things that<br>are hard to get. First... gifties. EVERYONE wanted them until the<br>colors were SO common that they werent a "delicacy" anymore. <br>So THEN everyone went to 10x4's because they were a challenge.<br>But now that everyone seems to have 10x4's what will they go towards?<br>International's of course! Ive been showing for years and building up my lines<br>so when the time came I wouldn't be left in the dust. LOL
    <br><br>This is a good point, I was thinking along these lines the other day. XD
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