the stats really dont say anything specific the breed should do well in. I guess it could go however you trained it. Personally i would go for assistance trials or canine disc or something not specialized like herding aka herding dog event. racing aka hound event for the most part. understand?
a little, not really. Ive never been an eventer, at all more of a breeder and trainer. I never got into the other stuff. Is there a sticky on that stuff?
you know how herding dogs have the stats perfectly for herding events and greyhounds have perfect stats for racing? Well there is no "specific" event that this dogs stats say it should be entered in to do well. There is a sticky that shows how to train a dog for certain events? If that helps
Canine Disc: Train: Disc 100% Sport 100%<br>Needs good Health and Mood<br>Strength Needs High<br>Endurance, Speed, Height, and Hyperness Medium<br><br>Assistance Trial: Train: Disc 100% Work 100%<br>Owner 100% Handling Skill is a MUST<br>Needs good Health, Mood, and Grooming <br>Friendliness High<br>Intelegence and Loyalty Medium<br>Adapatability Low<br>Aggro Down