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No really i am 20 i promise!

edited January 2011 in Vent
sooo i will be 20 very soon and yes i feel old and today i was carded for buying a raided M game at a game store that does not require ID of everyone who looks older than 16 well this guy thought i was 15 and was shocked when he saw my real age. i swear people think short= no way you can be older than a preteen. i was once accused of being to young to watch a PG 13 movie as well the person was joking but was again floored when i said i am 20. and my fiance gets it too, he is 26 and get carded for movies all the time and asked which highschool he goes too. i wasn't really truthfully annoyed just a bit tiffed.


  • I'm almost 18, and most people would agree that I look 12 or 13. My best friend got pulled over a week or so ago and I was in the car with her. The cop pulled her over because he didn't think she was old enough to drive, and told me that I was lucky I was so young, because I wouldn't have very severe consequences. My best friend is 19! My mom, who is almost 40, still sometimes gets carded for alcohol. I've come to the conclusion that my age will be questioned for a while, but I figure in ten or fifteen years, I'll be happy I don't look my age. haha:)
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • I understand you completely.. I got stopped from going into a 12A movie (eg. you can see it if your under 12, but with a adult..) then the woman said my friends looked over 16, so they'd have to pay an adult ticket. I cracked up laughing and just said to her 'let me get this straight.. You think, some 17 olds would be going to see a movie with an 11 year old.. Yes, that make sense.' She let us in, but told me shed give me a refund if I got pulled out :roll: At school as well, I get stopped from going into lunch with my friends because 'it's not first year lunch' .. they're the 10-11yr olds.. It's because I'm 5"2. I'm sorry that I'm short. :roll: .. [/vent on your post] xD

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  • Its not fun when people think your old either. People have thought I was 21 since I was 13. Im not even that tall. I have a cousin whos about 9 years older than me and people think Im her older sister. It drives me nuts, but its very funny when older people find out how old I actually am. They all get this priceless look on their face XD
  • my sister gets the older thing people think she looks like a young 20 something. especially when we meet people from my dads work they assume she is me and i am her :roll:
  • I get this often. Im 13, and im always getting comments about how im 15 or 16 at the minimum wich has its ups and downs. Ups-The movies, and privleges (like once there was a boat only 14 and older chould ride I got to do) but many downs. <br> Something that erked at my nerves last week on vacation in flordia is this that I had shorts on that where very short I ussally only wear on the beach in the water but all my other clothes where dirty, so I wore these to the airport. Some old man that had to have been 50 was cheaking me out, and it bugged me but I kept my mouth shut. Well my dad happend to notice and made a scene. And he yelled at the man how I was 12 (I actully turn 13 tommaorw, I just rounded it up since its close) and the man made the comment he was sorry I looked much older. Well! In the security line it happend again accept they where college boys, and my step mom made a comment as a joke, and my dad heard. So I got grounded. Guess what? It as HIS idea to where the shorts when I complained about my dirty clothes. <br> Also I get looks for being with my friends since they still look like 12! Erk!
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