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2 sponsers, 60 mill and more for *free*

*****<span style="font-weight:bold">edited!! kennals are NO LONGER available, but there is tons of vpc and dogs.</span><br><br>Vp lost that spark for me it use to have and my things are just rotting away. I will be back another time mabey.<br> I have a breeding kennal with a big chunk of time and a rescue that has about a year with 2 changes left! I have about 60 mill and a few regioals/nationals. I have tens and tens of fully trained dogs for eventers as well (:<br> Rules-You cant beg, ask for more then two million vpc, or complain if a certin dog is taken. <br> Also *You may NOT ask for all 3 of vpc dogs or a kennal, just two!<br> Awnser these please<br> 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why<br> 2. What youll use it for<br> 3. Why you deserve it<br> Thanks everyone!<br> These kennals have the dogs, you may bid on 5 after posting the awnsers. <br> 1.<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>; 2.<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>; 3.<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;


  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why: Dogs (Is it possible to get links to kennels so we can pick? Or do you know if you have any 9x4 or 10x4 Dobermans?)<br>2. What youll use it for: Advancing my line and for showing. <br>3. Why you deserve it: I will not release/retire them and use them to their full potential. I will not sell them for profit or abuse them by overbreeding. They will be fully trained responsibly.
  • links- this one has two changes and i think around 9 months, and 4 unmades<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>None of the above dogs, but your welcome to look through those kennals and bid on any ten dogs you want. I know I have two rare dogs (one very rare and a 10x4) and lots of 10x4 pointers, several studs and broods (:
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why: A Kennel<br>2. What youll use it for: I would rescue unwanted and un-cared for dogs, get the un-trained ones trained, and adopt them all out to loving homes. Some of the dogs would be given to novices so that they could show them and make money for themselves. I would also explain to those novices how to event dogs.<br>3. Why you deserve it: I think I deserve it because since I've started playing VP there have been SO many people that have helped me along the way, and I'd like to give back to the community
  • 1. What you want a kennel because i really need a recuse so i can rescue dogs that have not been rescued<br>2. What youll use it for so i can rescue dogs sand puppies i love rescuing dogs i was a rescue before but i want to be a rescue again<br>3. Why you deserve it because i will look after the kennel and if you come back i would give you it back if you want it back
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why- basset hound imports<br>2. What youll use it for-i'd have fun working with the line<br>3. Why you deserve it-i don't know if i deserve them, but they would live a productive virtual life if i had them :lol:
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why: Kennel.<br>2. What youll use it for: I'm currently breeding a line, and at the moment it's kinda difficult seeing as I'm a novice. Also, seeing as I know how difficult it is to pay for trainings etc. I would offer discount prices for novices, to get the dogs of vp trained up.<br>3. Why you deserve it: I don't know really.. If you're just feeling generous or for the reasons above xD<br><br>Thank you :)

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • <span style="font-style:italic">1. What you want (a kennel, vpc, or dogs) and why</span> I'd like one of the kennels to change it to a training. ^^<br><span style="font-style:italic">2. What you'll use it for</span> I'll train for myself and the public and help out novices by training one or two of their dogs in exchange for them giving up or getting trained their untrained dogs.<br>3. Why you deserve it: I've been on VP since 2006 and had two kennels. One of them got stolen and then expired, and then I got to share a training kennel so that I could save up for my own sponsor, which I finally got. However, I would still like to have a training without having to borrow one from other players. I feel as though I get in the way. :oops: But I would let players share the training to try it out to see if they would want a training kennel of their own. ^^<br>Thanks! :)
    1 OAK Count: 309 294gh1g.png
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why</span>: Kennel or VPC<br><span style="font-weight:bold">2. What youll use it for</span>: I'm starting my own little project which I have unofficially dubbed "Breed for Speed" which I am working on Cape Foxes and getting the competition level back up for VP. I'm trying to get the birthspeeds of the foxes up so I can show them and get the competition level back where it belongs. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">3. Why you deserve it</span>: I've been on VP for 5 years, in those 5 years I've had 2 sponser kennels. At the moment I only have a novice kennel and not enough VPC to work on the lines. I cannot afford the trainings and imports I need to succeed at this project. I've had sponser kennels before, but I never really had projects to work on. Now that I do, I regret not having those kennels to use and the VPC to run them. I would love a kennel or VPC to really get this project going!
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why:Kennel,my account is about to expire,and im going to train dogs up,and give them away,and help friends on their lines.<br>2. What youll use it for:Training Dogs<br>3. Why you deserve it:Um idk,to help people?
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why- basset hound imports<br>2. What youll use it for-i'd have fun working with the line<br>3. Why you deserve it-i don't know if i deserve them, but they would live a productive virtual life if i had them :lol:
    <br> Ahh lots and lots of those! I even have 4 unmades left if you want just let me know what genders! Go ahead and click on the kennals on the main post and in the two sponsers (second/thid link) there should be tons
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why</span>: Kennel or VPC<br><span style="font-weight:bold">2. What youll use it for</span>: I'm starting my own little project which I have unofficially dubbed "Breed for Speed" which I am working on Cape Foxes and getting the competition level back up for VP. I'm trying to get the birthspeeds of the foxes up so I can show them and get the competition level back where it belongs. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">3. Why you deserve it</span>: I've been on VP for 5 years, in those 5 years I've had 2 sponser kennels. At the moment I only have a novice kennel and not enough VPC to work on the lines. I cannot afford the trainings and imports I need to succeed at this project. I've had sponser kennels before, but I never really had projects to work on. Now that I do, I regret not having those kennels to use and the VPC to run them. I would love a kennel or VPC to really get this project going!
    <br><br><br>You can have some vpc (: Send a negative contract of 5 mill to this kennaal >
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why: VPC, because I need it to help pay for my now expensive lines.<br>2. What youll use it for: To pay for lines, I'd give some to novices too(I love the messages I get from a novice when I give them just 500k for no reason :P )<br>3. Why you deserve it: I like to think I am a good person haha, I have contributed a lot to this game(pretty sure I've put the ops kids through college haha). I guess I just think I would use it wisely and not waste your hard work on this game. <br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Brutis :)
    Training Kennel Boarding Kennel Breeding Kennel Rescue/Collection Kennel
    Read about and Participate in the VP Awards here please xD
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why: A Kennel<br>2. What youll use it for: I would rescue unwanted and un-cared for dogs, get the un-trained ones trained, and adopt them all out to loving homes. Some of the dogs would be given to novices so that they could show them and make money for themselves. I would also explain to those novices how to event dogs.<br>3. Why you deserve it: I think I deserve it because since I've started playing VP there have been SO many people that have helped me along the way, and I'd like to give back to the community
    <br><br>You may have the rescue kennal (: Let me clear out my stuff for this giveaway, and then its all yours (: Just msg me to remind me when I post that this is over, i cant leave a note (im on the other side of the country) and I will for sure forget.
  • I am super sorry to see you go! Hope you have fun wherever you decide to go. :| <br><br>1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why: Kennel, to make some money and provide VP with trained dogs.<br>2. What youll use it for: To train dogs for free on VP, any way the people want them, I want VP to have good dogs and for people to be proud of them.<br>3. Why you deserve it: A lot of people deserve a sponsor kennel but I think I deserve one because, I really would like to do something good for the community by providing g free dog training.
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why: Breeding Kennel, so I can not only breed dogs for lines, but also provide cheap breedings for the public to have better dogs.<br>2. What youll use it for: TO provide cheap breeding and to breed for my line.<br>3. Why you deserve it: I will try my best to provide breeding of only good dogs to promote a better VP with better dogs.<br><br>I'm sorry to see you gone as well. I hope you come back!
  • 1.What you want (a kennel,vpc, or dogs) and why: VPC to save up for a dye or use the money for my novice program<br>2.What youll use it for: I would use the VPC to save up for a dye or to help get the dogs trained for my novice program. I would also use the VPC to purchase higher stated dogs to event and get trained. <br>3.Why you deserve it: I am trying to improve the dogs of VP by releasing lower stated dogs/overpopulated dogs, getting higher stated dogs trained, event them then sell them later on to novices that are looking to help VP dogs.
  • <span style="font-weight:bold">1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why</span>: Kennel or VPC<br><span style="font-weight:bold">2. What youll use it for</span>: I'm starting my own little project which I have unofficially dubbed "Breed for Speed" which I am working on Cape Foxes and getting the competition level back up for VP. I'm trying to get the birthspeeds of the foxes up so I can show them and get the competition level back where it belongs. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">3. Why you deserve it</span>: I've been on VP for 5 years, in those 5 years I've had 2 sponser kennels. At the moment I only have a novice kennel and not enough VPC to work on the lines. I cannot afford the trainings and imports I need to succeed at this project. I've had sponser kennels before, but I never really had projects to work on. Now that I do, I regret not having those kennels to use and the VPC to run them. I would love a kennel or VPC to really get this project going!
    <br> I like the idea as well, you can have my breeding kennal once the giveaway is over (:
  • Holleywood wrote:
    1.What you want (a kennel,vpc, or dogs) and why: VPC to save up for a dye or use the money for my novice program<br>2.What youll use it for: I would use the VPC to save up for a dye or to help get the dogs trained for my novice program. I would also use the VPC to purchase higher stated dogs to event and get trained. <br>3.Why you deserve it: I am trying to improve the dogs of VP by releasing lower stated dogs/overpopulated dogs, getting higher stated dogs trained, event them then sell them later on to novices that are looking to help VP dogs.
    <br>Of course you can have some vpc! Send a negative contract to <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; for 5 milly
  • Im so sorry for those of you who asked for kennals, but ive already posted replys to those Ive chosen to give them to. If you asked before them, im sorry I just liked there plans better. If you still want vpc or dogs just post (:
  • Thank you sooo much! Contract sent from JMC.. Thank you again! :) sorry to see you go.
  • totouser wrote:
    <span style="font-weight:bold">1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why</span>: Kennel or VPC<br><span style="font-weight:bold">2. What youll use it for</span>: I'm starting my own little project which I have unofficially dubbed "Breed for Speed" which I am working on Cape Foxes and getting the competition level back up for VP. I'm trying to get the birthspeeds of the foxes up so I can show them and get the competition level back where it belongs. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">3. Why you deserve it</span>: I've been on VP for 5 years, in those 5 years I've had 2 sponser kennels. At the moment I only have a novice kennel and not enough VPC to work on the lines. I cannot afford the trainings and imports I need to succeed at this project. I've had sponser kennels before, but I never really had projects to work on. Now that I do, I regret not having those kennels to use and the VPC to run them. I would love a kennel or VPC to really get this project going!
    <br> I like the idea as well, you can have my breeding kennal once the giveaway is over (:
    <br><br>Thank you so much! I'll PM you ;)
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why- vpc <br>2. What youll use it for- To put towards getting a sponcor kennel or upgrade.<br>3. Why you deserve it- I don't fully know. Maybe if you just feel gernerous. LOL =) <br><br>Sorry to see you be going,I gonna miss you!!! =/ =( :(
    SmiLe :)

  • Hmm. I would've loved the breeding kennel to share with a few of my friends (one of which would be Rock_N_Roll_Queen) seeing as how they're all so kind to me and we each need one for our own reasons, but I guess I didn't find the thread in time =/ In any case -we learn to move on.<br><br>I'd like either VPC and/or these 2 dogs: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; , <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; .<br> <br>I breed wolves for improved stats and many people have already passed around and sold many multiple 10x4 Arabians, but I don't have one and I also don't wish to pay so much money for something so common now. So receiving that one for free would basically solve that issue ^.^ I also event dogs and would really appreciate receiving that one. It has a fairly decent eventing record. As for the VPC, everyone can use it for multiple reasons. To put it generally, it'd be of good use. I'm a Sponsor Trainer who trains for people but also equally if not more for myself, which takes from your pocket if you're not being paid. I also work on a number of different personal projects which includes buying, breeding, training, and so on. But before this gets Entirely too long, the general idea of it being of good use would be best to stick with :D<br><br>Now if I'm deserving? I'm not quite sure what you classify as deserving, but I know I'd be grateful and appreciative for anything I'd receive. It's really nice that you're giving your stuff away to good use rather than selfishly logging on right before the 6 months comes around even if you never play ;) But hey, people are who they are.
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why: VPC or dogs any as long as they are good eventers/i have never ever been a rich on vp and i am always running out of money and can hardley ever win events because i cant afford to buy great eventing dogs <br>2. What youll use it for: i will use the money to help buy training for my dogs and then event them to the best of my ability <br>3. Why you deserve it: i have been through a very hard time on vp from stolen dogs and accounts to going in the minuses with my money <br>THANK YOU
  • kiwicece wrote:
    1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why- vpc <br>2. What youll use it for- To put towards getting a sponcor kennel or upgrade.<br>3. Why you deserve it- I don't fully know. Maybe if you just feel gernerous. LOL =) <br><br>Sorry to see you be going,I gonna miss you!!! =/ =( :(
    <br><br> <br> Ima miss you to, you where so kind to me! Id get on and youd just msg me on how I was doing! Send a negative contract for 10 milly to <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; (a little x tra for kiwiw) (":<br><br> Thanks for all the goodbyes to everyone. :lol:
  • may i have 10 milly im am really gonna miss you too and dont want you to go
  • 1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why: VPC<br>2. What you'll use it for: I'm trying to save up for a dye [I've had a special color in mind for a while] or an upgrade so I can have my own training kennel<br>3. Why you deserve it: I'm not really sure. lol It's up to you.
    1 OAK Count: 309 294gh1g.png
  • totouser wrote:
    kiwicece wrote:
    1. What you want (a kennal,vpc, or dogs) and why- vpc <br>2. What youll use it for- To put towards getting a sponcor kennel or upgrade.<br>3. Why you deserve it- I don't fully know. Maybe if you just feel gernerous. LOL =) <br><br>Sorry to see you be going,I gonna miss you!!! =/ =( :(
    <br><br> <br> Ima miss you to, you where so kind to me! Id get on and youd just msg me on how I was doing! Send a negative contract for 10 milly to <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; (a little x tra for kiwiw) (":<br><br> Thanks for all the goodbyes to everyone. :lol:
    <br> <br><br><br>Thank you so much,gonna miss you!!
    SmiLe :)

  • Nicus as you stated above, you have been in the negatives and have issues brining it up. Im sorry but you sound irresponisble with money, or mabey youve just had bad luck, eaithr way id rather not give ten million of my hard earned money to someone who will waste it. Id be glad to give some though, mabey 1 mill? I know it seems unfair since others got more, but like I said it seems silly to give money to someone who might not use it right.
This discussion has been closed.