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Get Of The Phone & DRIVE!

edited December 2010 in Vent
Today I was drivin along, getting ready to make a left turn.<br>In the middle of my turn some idiot tries to pull up behind me and try to pass me. <br>DUDE?!!?! What are you doing?!<br>Scared the crap outta me for one! They almost hit my car!<br><br>So I turn around to give a nasty look and notice it's some woman ON HER PHONE. <br>She smiles, and waves me on as if I were cutting her off or something.<br>o.O<br>Seriously? <br>GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND DRIVE!<br>Goodness people!


  • Almost as bad as what happened to us on the road xD A woman in this *huge* SUV made a right turn, decided that wasn't what she wanted to do, and swerved back into the lane my mom and I were in, causing mom to slam on her brakes, which caused me to whiplash (I was bent down over something in my lap.. I can't remember what.). Nearly caused a four-car accident, because the people behind us had to slam on their brakes.<br><br>She had her phone in her hand, so I don't know if she was texting or calling someone. They make Blu-Tooth for a reason, guys. If you *must* have a conversation, get a Blu Tooth. They're like fifteen bucks at WalMart.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Yeah, you get fined for being on your cellphone here. It's a big danger most of the time.<br>And, if people are too cheap to buy a Blue Tooth, you can put a cellphone on speaker and set it down in a cup holder or something. A little more inconvenient, but it still works.
  • Yeah, you get fined for being on your cellphone here. It's a big danger most of the time.<br>And, if people are too cheap to buy a Blue Tooth, you can put a cellphone on speaker and set it down in a cup holder or something. A little more inconvenient, but it still works.
    <br>I don't think you get fined here, unless you are driving with either a learners permit, or your 9 to 5 unsupervised license. They were very big on that in drivers ed. xD I think you get your permit suspended or taken.<br>They only fine you if you're texting while driving.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • oh dear people and thier phones i had a man come into my lane on a divided 4 lane road i think thats how you say it 2 lanes head north physical median and then 2 head south? any who came into my lane problem was i was heading north and he was heading south and yet in his crazy world i was in the wrong :roll:
  • I had a similiar problem with a swerving semi, We were on the highway and I was going around 70ish, so yes I was speeding but if you go 55 on that road you get hit ( yes, it did happen to me) I see a semi pulling two FULL SIZED trailers Woosh past my tiny little car, He was going fast enough that I had to counteract to stay in my lane because THe force of his car to mine, He speeds forward and swerves into my lane shooting ICE onto my windshield, I got his ID number and called the cops.... a few miles later I saw him pulled over...
    Your lack of grammar is equal to my lack of respect...
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