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The End of the Road

We walk into situations in life, they make us happy and fulfill our needs, then they will slowly become tattered. I walked into VP over four years ago. I was a child pretty much, didn't know about real online communities, didn't know how to keep to myself. I got in a few fights even, believe it or not. I hated VP at first, so I'm not sure why I stayed - but I did. And I'm glad I did, because along that road, I made the right turn. I have made several friends on VP - Friends that helped me when I moved a few years back and lost all my RL friends. Friends who I relied on to smile and feel human. Friends who, under most circumstances, would do anything for me. I know they would, even if we are hundreds of miles away. I thank VP for giving me those friends. Sadly, they have all left VP as well. It feels like with each of them that left, a knot came undone, setting my ties to VP free. I'm finally free.<br><br>I still have some friends on VP, don't get me wrong. They aren't on much either though, and for the most part I feel like I'm left behind in some abandoned building, while the rest of my friends went out and flourished. I have no one left here to party with, no one to celebrate victories with - the lights have been turned off on my VP world.<br><br>I've finally realized I need to go out and find some sort of light again. One that will make me happy again the way VP did for many years. <br><br><br><br>I'm in college now - and it's stressful, but rewarding. However, I can tell you most of the times I sat in the study hall, I sat on the computer, on VP, and didn't study. I regret that a lot now. I don't know why I took such risks over a game. I would like this game if it was more relaxed as it once had been, but it's not. It's not the same light and fluffy atmosphere I remember - it feels hostile and competitive in a way I don't like. This competitiveness I'm sadly attracted to. I want to do better than anyone else, and it makes the game addicting. I don't want that anymore. I want to let go of the addiction. I want to be able to get on the computer and not feel the need to train dogs so I can make sure I get 10x4 fast enough.<br><br> I don't want to get on the computer and feel like I have to accomplish something with some breed attached to my real life - I truly do feel guilty to my RL dogs if I don't get their breed's 10x4 first. Now, instead, I'd rather feel guilty I'm not proving my dog as an individual, is the best out there in the real world. I want to spend time at my animal shelter and not feel the need to come home and work on some cool breed I saw there - yes, this has happened before. I don't want to look at dogs and think "Can I get that 10x4? Does someone already have it?" I want to look at things and see them as they are. It's getting annoying, in a way, because I'm just -always- worrying about VP. I don't want to worry about VP anymore. I want to drop it right here and say "I've left my mark, it's time to move on."<br><br>It's this competitiveness that has lead me to stop writing, to stop working with my RL dogs, and to stop living my life. I may not have friends right now in RL, not where I live currently, but I feel I need to feel free to leave the computer and socialize. The "high" I used to get from achieving goals on VP has turned into bitterness. I achieve goals, but I feel more like saying "I beat you" then "I accomplished something". I hate being so competitive. I don't want this to be some outlet for that secret desire to be better than everyone else. I'm not normally a competitive person, but this site has made me feel like I need to be.<br><br>The game itself? Everything is moving too fast and too seriously. 10x4s are now all the rage. You can't sell gifties anymore, so I don't see the point of them. Showing dogs has turned into "who has the highest courage and adap?". I liked it better when my dogs actually did well because they were good dogs, not because they had high courage/adap. The only way I can get that feeling anymore is with racing. I wish all racers the best of luck, I'm sure when I pop in next time my dogs will be slow again ;D The players seem to be bitter as well, as is the atmosphere of the game, to me, these days. I hope everyone will learn to relax and enjoy it so they don't end up like I am today as far as VP goes.<br><br><br><br>I want to move onto my real life. I want to be worried about the way my characters will react in my book, not if I'm falling behind on VPC. I want to be worried about an exam, not about when my sponsor is going to run out. I want to be worried about my agility trials in real life, not about whether my dogs are still top competitors. Mostly, I want to feel alive again.<br><br><br><br><br>I have accomplished a lot on VP. Several clean lined 10x4s, Brittanies and French Brittanies of which are close to me personally. Whether I finish the other two breeds close to me or not has yet to be determined, but I think my dogs - and the world - knows I love my dogs without having to have the best of them on some virtual site.<br><br>I have dyed several dogs - all of which came from purchases in game, none I have ever had to spend money on.<br><br>My competitive dogs have earned me a nice reputation, of which I am proud of.<br><br>I have gotten my personal breed, the Ocelot, of which is also close to me. I feel that is a good closing accomplishment for my time here on VP. <br><br>I'm not going to list everything, but, my kennel: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; has everything listed, and will forever have everything listed.<br><br><br>As a person? Oh my. I have grown so much as a person. You can tell by my screen name, I was young and newbish, lmao. Now I'm much more well behaved, I'd like to think. I'm a stronger person as well. I've learned to stand up for myself better (though I'm still a softy) but, I'm trying! Maybe I've grown up too much, and that's why I feel this urge to move away from VP and into more productive work. Either way, I thank VP for being there as I grew up and went through some of the most difficult times in my life. Luckily, all those people who helped me through those times I talk to regularly. I wouldn't have had them, though, had it not been for VP.<br><br><br>I wish all of you well. I will be on chat occasionally, mostly to talk to Kally since she will be clueless as to why I've disappeared. I will be on the forums, maybe, though I don't really care to read up on VP stuff anymore. I will still be fairly active for the next couple weeks as I clean up kennels and try to make enough money for the lifetime sponsor. <br><br><br>As much as I seem like I despise VP at the moment, this isn't an easy decision. But, from this point onward, I will be making no more accomplishments. I don't want to be compared to anything anymore - I don't want to be someone that the community feels they need to beat. That is probably the majority of the reason I have grown tired of this site. I want to be removed from this game in as many ways as possible. This is the end of the road. Most of you reading this will continue onward, but I am at my destination, finally.<br><br><br><br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic"><br>The best way to keep up with me would be through DeviantArt, as I am on there every day, several times a day doing group work and whatnot. My name on there is Jaded-Night. Can note me there or PM me here, or catch me in chat.</span>
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.


  • Nickel, you brought up the same things I was feeling. Most of this stuff applied to me and I wasn't sure how to say it but you covered it. The competition is getting a little crazy and its hard to enjoy when you get mad because you don't win in an auction for the dog you want or for someone else for getting it. It's stressful and games shouldn't be stressful!<br><br>You know that I'm never leaving you nickel pickle! You're my oldest friend that I still talk to. You can't escape ;D<br><br>I'm glad someone was able to put into words what I was thinking about this. It seems all people drop off this game eventually. So many good people have gone and it's kinda sad to see them go because it ends their 'era'. <br><br>Nickel=amazing~
  • As great as I think the game is, you both are right. When I first started on VP, which wasn't even that long ago I found it more fun and relaxing. In July I got my puppy (In real life) and just came back in September? October? The whole game has a different feel to it. It's all a competition and no one wants to stop and make friends.<br><br>It's taken time out of my school work, wedding planning (I know!), play time with Clover and everything. I just feel the need to leave... Or take an extended break. I don't know.<br><br>You said it all a lot better than I ever could.
  • hajhafhk Nickel ;-; <br>You didn't tell me you were plotting this yesterday!<br>;-;<br>Don't leave me!
  • Kazuko wrote:
    hajhafhk Nickel ;-; <br>You didn't tell me you were plotting this yesterday!<br>;-;<br>Don't leave me!
    <br><br>You have my MSN, and I'll probably be on chat just as much since it's etched into my routine to click on it and open it up xD<br><br>
    As great as I think the game is, you both are right. When I first started on VP, which wasn't even that long ago I found it more fun and relaxing. In July I got my puppy (In real life) and just came back in September? October? The whole game has a different feel to it. It's all a competition and no one wants to stop and make friends.<br><br>It's taken time out of my school work, wedding planning (I know!), play time with Clover and everything. I just feel the need to leave... Or take an extended break. I don't know.<br><br>You said it all a lot better than I ever could.
    <br><br>I'm glad I'm not the only one who's feeling that way about it. I'm just trying to make a way for the topic of my day to not be VP drama. We'll see how it goes. Since I am getting my lifetime (Yay!) I can easily throw everything in there and take as long of a break as necessary, and still be able to train on occasion if I feel like it.<br><br>
    tarnish wrote:
    Nickel, you brought up the same things I was feeling. Most of this stuff applied to me and I wasn't sure how to say it but you covered it. The competition is getting a little crazy and its hard to enjoy when you get mad because you don't win in an auction for the dog you want or for someone else for getting it. It's stressful and games shouldn't be stressful!<br><br>You know that I'm never leaving you nickel pickle! You're my oldest friend that I still talk to. You can't escape ;D<br><br>I'm glad someone was able to put into words what I was thinking about this. It seems all people drop off this game eventually. So many good people have gone and it's kinda sad to see them go because it ends their 'era'. <br><br>Nickel=amazing~
    <br><br>:3 I'm glad I got it covered, lol. Yes, homework should be stressful! Not silly online dog games. D; (yes I used Silly just for you!)<br><br>You're lucky I don't want to escape! Or I'd...find someway! xD <br><br><3 Tarn = awesometastic ;D XDD I made up that dorky word just for you too~
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • As I said in reply to fael's post about this.. I am 100% in agreement. I'm just too lazy to post about it. :)
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Il miss you! We havent talked much but I know you show and breed great dogs and you are highly respected and well known:)
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • I completely agree with you on that.. I'm bout to be leaving VP as well.. This is my senior year and I need to concentrate on my schooling.. I'd rather be with my boyfriend and my friends than be online. I just don't have use for a computer anymore.. This MIGHT be my last post.. You said it better than I ever could Nickel. Thank you.
  • I can understand that, Nickel :) I come and go from VP as the mood strikes me, and while I'm sad to see you go I know where to find you!
  • I love your banner Xaetian!It's completely true!
    <br>they are free to use in the artist alley :P
    I <3 Keith Urban!
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