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Back Again- Lunch Lady's Revenge #2!

edited December 2010 in Vent
Alright if you haven't seen my post about this before please check this out:<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Please do not post on here unless you have read that previous post. <br><br>Well the person working at the snack bar has done it again.<br>I have talked to the office about it and they were rather rude. They said they did not have an actual set price list for the foods in the snack bar. Then they said they couldn't do anything about it.<br><br>Today I am fed up with this. I have over payed somewhere around $45 since the beginning of the year. Yes, she just raises the prices by a few quarters at a time, but it adds up.<br><br>Last year I would buy chicken nuggets and a chocolate milk for $3.25, and other kids around me get the same stuff for that price this year too.<br>Today I bought chicken nuggets and a chocolate milk. It added up to $4.00<br><br>When the lady told me that I literally asked "Uh.. Are you sure that should actually cost four dollars...?"<br>What did she do? Grabbed my money and shoved my food to me.<br>The chicken was undercooked and made me a little queasy :/<br><br>Any laws against this maybe? :(
Back in action?


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