<span style="font-size:90"><br>Since I can't actually see what exactly you're talking about, this may not be correct; I believe I understand what you've explained though, because it's happened when I've made layouts.<br>At the end of you're code, you should add <br> until it lines up, it's usually around 50 of them for me, but it varies to different html and layout sizes I'd assume.<br>I edited my kennel to show what I think you're talking about (it should show the dog links on top of my layout design..my browser is outdated though, so I hope it shows up).<br>Link: <a href="http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=vpKennel/view&id=282129" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=vpKennel/view&id=282129</a><br></span>
<span style="font-size:90"><br>Ah, well it seems like it should move up as you fill it in more..It looks like you have it centered so that it will expand to fit the box as you type. I'm not sure how you'd change it though, since I don't think your html is image-based.<br></span>