This is slightly long, but I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it. I needed to tell someone.<br><br>Okay. So I have been friends with this girl for 12 years. 6 years ago, we had a big thing. She turned all my other friends against me(We were young) and I was constantly made fun of. I was also the victim of severe emotional abuse for an entire school year from people who used to be my best friends. I couldnt understand how people could be so cruel or why they all of a sudden hated me. I went home from school every day and cried. I was completely friendless. It was absolutely horrible, and I hope no one ever has to experience this. Well one day, she pushed me to the breaking point, and I pulled her hair. Not even hard. And she freaked and told the teacher, and I got yelled at, and I got in trouble. I tried to explain why I did it but the teachers werent interested. I was devestated that people who were supposed to help didnt even care. <br><br>Because of this, I can barely turst people. I honestly can count on one had the people I trust, and I dont even trust them completely. I now have extremely low self esteem. I also have had to and sometimes still have to battle with depression.<br><br>Well, I was just playing around with this girl the other day, and I jokingly pulled her hair. She said "Didnt you already learn your lesson about pulling my hair when we were in _ grade?" I just stared at her. She then went on to say "Seriously, I made you who you are today, where would you be without me?" I replied, "Oh, dont know, maybe I could tust people and Id like myself." She replied with "Oh, grow up. You needed me to do that. You deserved it."<br><br>I was utterly speechless. I nearly shoved her out of her chair and started punching her. If other people werent there, I know I would have. I cant believe she would say that. NO ONE, and I mean no one, should EVER have to suffer through emotional abuse like that. EVER. End of story. And she said I "needed" and "deserved" it. She sees nothing wrong with what she did. She changed my life for the worse, and is fine with it. What?! I dont even know what to say right now. Just freaking own up too it, apoligize(Which all my other friends involved in this have done, and were perfectly fine now.), and lets get over it. Because if you ever say something like that to me again, I will not hold back, and you couldnt even imagine whats going to happen.

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