I look at myself in the mirror and try to find something good about myself... I think and I look back at my self...maybe my hair of my eyes...but I have trouble sometimes. People don't help about it,all they say is that I need to have a higher self esteem then they start sasying something rude back to me. Latly I have been so emotional. I don't know if its my age or what,but people's comments don't help. Last thursday on my bus two kids kept on saying something about me,I will always act strong and somedays I am,but as soon as I stepped off the buss I was about to cry! Why are people so mean. I am so sick of people always having some rude comment to say! <span style="font-style:italic">If they ain 't got nothin nice to say don't say nothin at all!</span> (sorry for the bad grammer) All my life it seems someone has something rude to say to me,well here what I got to say I don't have to apologize nor feel sorry for myself because I am hyper,happer,talkative,ect. You don't know me at all! All you know is the side of me that hides my feelings! You don't know what goes on in my life! Maybe the reason I am so talkative and hyper is because I wan't to hide the fact that I may be sad,or the fact I don't like being sad! I may act all happy,but guess what I am not all the time! THose people have no idea about me,but they always have some rude comment every single day! I am not saying I am some depressing person,I am happy,talkative,hyper ect. with my freinds but I am also calmer,silenter with my freinds being I can be myself! Friday I could have cried for being so emotional,and just everything sweeping over me at once! I am just so tired of rude comments!
SmiLe :)
Semper Fi.