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Writing Themes {December} Ocelot Prize!



  • I apologize for seeming rude about it. But if it had turned out my messages were being ignored or had been, perhaps, accidentally deleted or looked over, I used posting on your thread as a last resort. I've been insanely tightly-wound lately about my terms/agreements being followed through with because people are still managing to get me mad with proving I couldn't trust them. Until this year, I have always remained within the shadows. But now I'm not shy about confronting people (as you can see). <br><br>Had my intentions been to acuse you in such a way that would bash you and call you this and that (which I never would have done), I can assure you, it would not have been publicly. This was the last thing I could think of to get your attention for certain, and that, was my main intention. I was hoping my previous post could've been viewed as being kept professional sounding as opposed to irrationally accusational and belittling. You have to understand that from my point of view, all I knew was that an agreement was made and never followed through with, with no feedback on what was going on. So what else could I really do when I saw your kennels had been logged into time again and then found this thread? Anyways.. Thank you for allowing me to bid on the dog. Concluding this aspect of the situation, like I did in the previous post, I apologize for intruding on your thread.<br><br>Now as for your dog, I'm really sorry to hear he/she has passed away. I'm sure that has and will be a great loss, but I wish you and your family well. Despite what anyone may think, I do respect you. Pet loss is rather hard to deal with and I hope you can make it through alright.
    Do you like my training? Reccommend me here =)
    Main/Training Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Breeding Kennel

    ~Visit my main kennel for links to my on going auctions~
  • do you mind if I take this over for you when you leave?
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Sorry to hear your loss Nickel<br>Im still around
  • do you mind if I take this over for you when you leave?
    <br><br>You may ^^
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • ok thanks :) I wish you well!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
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