I have a little squirrel related story to share.

<br><br>About a week ago we heard something in our ceiling, like an animal. A few days later my dad saw a red squirrel enterting our house through the roof. My dad just recieved a have-a-heart trap from his friend today and recently set it, but anyways. <br><br>Today my dad had to go in the attic to get out the Christmas decorations. We were all joking that he would see the squirrel but he made so much noise getting into the attic that he would've scared it away. So he's passing down boxes to us, ornaments, lights, all that. Then all the sudden my mom and dad start laughing and they say to me, look what's in this box!<br><br>They pass me the box, a smaller, open one with ornaments inside. I look and right there on top of the ornaments are a bunch of nuts! It was so funny. My Grandma started picking them out and there were tons of them deep down in there. The poor squirrel will probably be wondering where all his food went!
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