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Sp.Rescue / whole year (2 changes left!

edited December 2010 in Auction
<span style="font-style:italic">Ive been buying and selling sponsers like monopoly latley! I say to my self time to quit for school, and then I change my mind. So if your annoyed by my buying and selling, this is the last time, for a long time</span><br><br> Type: Rescue<br> Changes left: 2<br> Imports: 4<br> Experation: 10-30-2011<br>Fame: 56<br> (proof will be put up soon, to lazy right now haha)<br> Am I forgetting anything??<br> Oh yes! I will use with a MM, but you must find one yourself (: Im only accepting vpc, N.O acceptions what so ever. <br> <br>SB-10 mill<br>HB- 40 mill Babybean<br>BIN-110 MILL (a tad high but hey imports, changes and a whole year??)<br><br>Ending-Undecided<br>Hidden Reserve- not met! (its millions under the bin)


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