Good news.<br>My braces shall be off (most likely) by January or February. AFTER THREE YEARS! (And then some, because I've had them on and off PLUS a retainer-thing that was a pain in the bum).<br><br>Bad news.<br>One of my old friends got into a bad car accident. They believe they were hit by a drunk driver.<br>Her mom's face has gotten messed and broke her pelvis and wrist.<br>Her little sister broke her jaw (possibly) and... I can't remember what else.<br>She broke her back, and went for her fourth surgery today (since Sunday, when she was hit). She may not be able to walk again.<br>Everyone's upset about it. She's in a hospital all alone, and her mother and sister are in a different one.<br>I disapprove of anybody doing ANYTHING that could put harm to anybody, and drunk driving is a huge issue to me. I'm paranoid about driving or even walking on the side of the road sometimes due to drunk drivers. What's happened couldn't piss me off more. That drunk driver could have killed them. He/She might have taken the ability for my old friend to be able to walk. How is that fair? I don't know if the drunk driver was hurt or not.
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