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Why Is Life so Hard (I am about to crack)

edited December 2010 in Vent
You have all heard of all the recent deaths in my family and the toll it has taken on my mom and me,mostly my mom. Well at first things were getting better but things are now getting worst than before. <br><br>This weekend my mom and my stepdad started fighting....and it hasn't mom told my stepdad to leave and he says he is and that he is ready to leave. My mom has put him throough alot but its not her fault.I am taking no sides I just want it to stop,I just want them to stop fighting hug. I an young but I have to be the one to give them advice it seems. My stepdad tells me everything going on and I feel like a councilor. I just want it all to stop and for me to have just a normal day were my biggest issue is to what I am going to were to a school dance! but life isn't like that. I don't understand how this happens my mom is such a loving person,why does life have to be so hard on her. I don't know what to do anymore and if this continues and my mom and stepdad actualy split I will never be the same. I an a happy person naturally even when I am sad people still think i am happy (becuase I don't want people to bother me about whats going on cuz .. some people just always complain if I told them they would just say that their life is worst.)as I was saying I am a happy hyper smiling person....and after this even me hiding it won't work. I try to understand life but when I try i just get more lost in the world. I don't know what to say...
SmiLe :)



  • Mt stepdad just holding back tears......why.......
    SmiLe :)

  • As a parent and an adult, I hate to admit it, but we are human too and we make very human mistakes. Sometimes, we depend too much on our children and load them with our own problems and that isn't right. Just remember, what happens between your mom and step dad isn't your fault and there's no way you could have made it "right" or fixed it. That's not your job anyway.<br><br>Your mom and step dad will have to work things out on their own and however they do that, whether they just need some time apart to cool down or if it's to split permanently, it will be for the better. Nothing in life is the same, we just have to figure out how to let the not important stuff or stuff we can't control go and focus on the things that we can control.<br><br>Maybe try speaking to a trusted adult that's not part of the situation, a school counselor or youth leader. Sometimes, just getting things off your chest to someone who isn't involved, who can't/won't make judgements can be a tremendous relief.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Thanks alabama......Things were going great my mom was happier then everything went bad this weekend.....they have never faught this bad....
    SmiLe :)

  • my mom and dad,instead of 15 years ago when planed.i was little then!why didnt you do that then! i would have never known then!its hard for me now cuz im older!
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