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Truth about stalkers (internet ones!!)

Ok so today I learned how easy it is to stalk and be stalked. My dad was upset because I posted about a boutiqe near by, thats family owned (so one of a kind). I said knowone chould find me off of that, but guess what. At that same moment I was looking through artist alley on <span style="font-style:italic">vp</span> yes someone of our very own. They posted photos. One was of a reastuarnt that ther person said "was the fancysit in there area and offerd dance" so my dad hopped on. He looked up the reastuarnt. Found it -same egzact logo of the picture- (this is not a large franchise as far as we know) so he saw the address, we now know state and city of the person. He looked up school districts- found the high school in that city, only one in the area. We know someone on <span style="font-style:italic">vp's </span> school. NOw our steps chould be wrong, like they chould not live in that city, but they said there area so im assuming. Im sorry my dad used a very own player as an example, but im just hoping now that I do, and others relize how carefull to be! We have no intention on using this, my dad was using an example to teach me. <br>1. We know there in high school, they stated there age.<br>2. They said the live in a rural area, wich is common in this state.<br> VP please be carefull!


  • Oh yeah, and in like social networking site pictures, they could see school logos on clothing or if you mention a local place. They can track people so easily now, it's sickening.
  • Im never carefull with that stuff-ever, but i for sure am now. Im home alone alot, and traveling alot, so id rather not have my family in risk because i was stupid. Espically since i babysit all the time for my lil bros!
  • :P but then like, even if you're walking home from somewhere one day, someone can follow you back in a van and you probably won't even notice. And then you hear about people being taken from their <span style="font-style:italic">bedrooms</span> at night. It's just scary these days.
  • Psh. Anyone stalk me and I have a family of over 100 that's waiting with guns. Bring it.
    "Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
  • Lol same! At my dads im screwed, but anywhere else uncles aunts, papas moms, bring it on, youl be the one hanging from you feet!
  • Hahaha. I go everywhere with my huge German Shepherd. He's been trained by a retired cop, so my mom doesn't mind if I'm out at midnight as long as I have him with me :P
  • Psh. Anyone stalk me and I have a family of over 100 that's waiting with guns. Bring it.
    <br><br>Naw, but I already stalk you!<br><br><br><br>Seriously, anyone comes to my house they're gonna leave in a mess as well. xD But, I'm super careful about all this stuff, since I'm beyond paranoid in the first place xD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • There have been players on a couple occasions who gave out enough information that I was able to find their home phone number and called their parents. I also called a school one time because a player gave out enough information for me to find them that way. They were caught in the act by the school principal. None of these times did it take more than about 30 minutes to get that information and not using any tools except internet search.<br><br>If I could do it that quick, imagine how much easier it would be for those seriously looking for you. This is why we try to be on the lookout for players who give out personal information.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Thats why I thought it was so scary, google was all we had, and it wa just 10 minutes it took. <br> Ive never been carefull about this stuff, but i deffintly plan to now, considering all they did was post a reastuarnt & age.
  • Lol this is why I sleep with my pocket knife under my pillow, the pillow near the window that I don't sleep on XD<br>Luckily I've only ever had to use it to pick stuff out of my romeos and to cut straw bales apart :3
    Back in action?
  • Haha, I do that with scissors. I had an inncdent at my house, i never got over, I sometimes wake up to find my self clenching the scissors!
  • This is why there are so many rules about what you can and cannot post/tell on VP. It's not because we want to be mean and controlling, it's because we want to do our best to try to keep you all safe : ) <br><br>It's a scary world we live in today, sad but true.
  • yes it is! Im going to make my own post but not about stalkers mostly about guns...<br><br>My friend is getting stalked by this 60-70 yr old guy that saw her at the library a few blocks from her house...we told the librarians but they cant really do anything. He follows her home and slows down if hes in his car going past her house. And he took pictures of her then her dad saw and told him off. He even came to church once to see her and she is 16!!!
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • That should be reported to the police asap, before something happens to her.
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