Ok so today I learned how easy it is to stalk and be stalked. My dad was upset because I posted about a boutiqe near by, thats family owned (so one of a kind). I said knowone chould find me off of that, but guess what. At that same moment I was looking through artist alley on <span style="font-style:italic">vp</span> yes someone of our very own. They posted photos. One was of a reastuarnt that ther person said "was the fancysit in there area and offerd dance" so my dad hopped on. He looked up the reastuarnt. Found it -same egzact logo of the picture- (this is not a large franchise as far as we know) so he saw the address, we now know state and city of the person. He looked up school districts- found the high school in that city, only one in the area. We know someone on <span style="font-style:italic">vp's </span> school. NOw our steps chould be wrong, like they chould not live in that city, but they said there area so im assuming. Im sorry my dad used a very own player as an example, but im just hoping now that I do, and others relize how carefull to be! We have no intention on using this, my dad was using an example to teach me. <br>1. We know there in high school, they stated there age.<br>2. They said the live in a rural area, wich is common in this state.<br> VP please be carefull!
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
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I Keith Urban!