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Meet My Babies ^^

Skwisgaar =] my little kitteh who is long haired and rather purty if i should say so. <br>Got Him From The Flea MArket, when he as 3 weeks. And he is such a little brat.<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>I chose that pic cause its funny XD<br><br> Then theres my baby girl Dixie, 8 1/2 yrs old and i love her with all my heart, ive had her since she was 2, and i spoil her =3<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Yes she is a mini pin and akc registered her full name which i dont like is. Itty Bitty Dixie. mothers. Itty Bitty Cocoa. And father, which<br>is actually a funny name XD Mighty Mouse Max II<br><br> I love my babies so much <3 i want another min pin.<br>we bred dixie a couple times i wish i knew where the pics were<br>her pups were so small and adorable =3


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