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MONEY, 10x4s and Kennel!

edited February 2011 in Giveaways, Etc.
This kennel, <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; all the dogs and money are being given away. This is what you do. Fill out this form , and I'll get back to you<br><br>Kennel Name:<br>What I Want and Why:<br>What will I do with money/dogs/:


  • Kennel Name: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>What I Want and Why: 10x4s or money<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: The vpc whould be donated to the help4newbies club (msg me for more info) or buys dogs that whould be donated. The dogs whould eaithr be donated to the club or evented by myself, and possibly, and responsibly bred (:
  • Kennel Name: MidnightCivetta<br>What I Want and Why: I would turn the kennel into a rescue(if it has changes left)<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: I have a novice program and I am also apart of a new club VAA and would put all money/dogs towards them.
    Old people at weddings poke me and say i'm next. I poke old people at funerals and say you're next.
  • Kennel Name:Love Can Come True Rescue<br>What I Want and Why:the kennel<br>What will I do with money/dogs/:I will work on my free training/showing program for rescue kennels. I have never had a sponser kennel =0
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Kennel Name:Binzie's dog kennal<br>What I Want and Why: The kennel, because I need a sponsor breeding kennel to finish my Maltese line :P <br>What will I do with money/dogs/: I will most likely use the money to train for novices or donate it and I will train the dogs and event them
    Here have a band-aid
  • Kennel Name: Sunny Pups Kennel <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>What I Want and Why: Kennel <br>What will I do with money/dogs/: I have been playing the game for over 2 year and always wanted a sponsor, however I've never been able to afford one. I will use it for my labrador retriever breeding program and could use it for my club that is coming. (Help4Newbies.) Thank you.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • edited November 2010
    Kennel Name: JMC Training (im not JMC though :3) <br>What I Want and Why: Any dogs, eventers/gifties/10x4's/money (either or). I want some show dogs that I can rent out to people to help them earn money, I also want to start showing dogs so this would help me out with starting out. I want any gifties (if you have any) because I don't have many gifties that are rare. If they are intact I will keep them rare and not breed them, if I did I would not over breed the color they would not go above 5oak if they are really rare. For the money I would use it to finish my line. <br>What will I do with money/dogs/: same as above :)
  • Sorry you all, I meant to take the kennel out of the title,.. The kennel is already re-homed . Thanks!
  • Kennel Name: Zagari Wolf<br>What I Want and Why: Money preferably. If not, then 10x4s. <br>What will I do with money/dogs/: I would use the money further my massive APBT lines. I would just collect the 10x4s.
  • Kennel Name: CowgirlSayYes<br>What I Want and Why: vpc / unnamed imports<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: i will start lines with the imports, and get them trained up with the vpc (and with my own).
  • Kennel Name: AfterGlowRescue<br>What I Want and Why: Money so that I can pay to get my rescues trained and get more rescues.<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: The dogs will be trained if not already then placed in great eventing homes. The Money will go towards rescuing more dogs or getting rescues trained.
    AfterGlowRescue! Dedicated to Changing lives! Eventing Rescues,Giving Second Chances, And Making Stars
  • I edited my post i mispoke
  • Kennel Name: Lab Love Kennel<br>What I Want and Why: Anything you'll offer XD Money is always good, so I can finish my lines, and be the first to come even close to reaching 10x4's. There is probably people who need money more than me......actually, I just spent imost of it, so nevermind:-D <br>What will I do with money/dogs/: I will event dogs, give dogs that I know longer need anymore away in a Christmas Giveaway I've been thinking about doing...........and for the money? I guess what I usually do with money, save up until I can buy something good. Or give it away in a Giveaway.....I'm not really sure. Maybe half and half. Eh, listen to me go on and on!<br><br>Thanks!
    Accidentally deleted my signature :/ Whoops :0
  • Kennel Name: kiwicece<br>What I Want and Why: money and show dogs with good event history.<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: with the money I will save it up and use it towards my show dogs that I already own,As for the show dogs I will show them to their full potential. I rely on Show dogs for the majority of my VPC income since I am saving up towards a Sponcer kennel. <br><br>Kiwicece.
    SmiLe :)

  • Kennel Name: MMM Aussie<br>What I Want and Why: I would be happy with A Kennel Or Money Or dogs, I am fine with anything. :)<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: Well I would save up the money for eventing, training my dogs/lines, helping novices who need help. Dogs I would show, train, and care for, also possibly give some to novices to get some nice eventing dogs and help them, and with the dogs i would possibly breed if I believe that they have been evented long enough and or are at the highest eventing level the dog will most likely reach, and aim for top dogs list and top kennel list. :) And the kennel I would use for breeding my dogs that have reached at least regional + and breed my lines.And if there are changes i may make it into a rescue or a training or boarding kennel and would help novices and give them discounts on trainings and/or free ones.
  • Kennel Name: Bashful Bird <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>What I Want and Why: Anything: dogs, money, or kennel<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: I am just starting VP again after an extensive hiatus (I used to be RacerFastRosy, but family difficulties, and a new computer mean that I can't log in to my account anymore) so I have nothing right now, but I would like to have the means to become a reputable kennel contributing to the betterment of VP again, so I would do lots of showing, a bit of responsible breeding (between fully trained and top-of-their-breed dogs), and other activities beneficial to VP.<br><br>Thank you so much for anything you can help me with!
  • Kennel Name:Magical's Puppy Kennel<br>What I Want and Why:To Turn into a rescue or boarding if any changes,if not,a holding kennel,or a kennel to share with my friends<br>What will I do with money/dogs/:I will donate the money and dogs to the novices, and if any pups,trained and sold for cheap
  • Kennel Name:mac cats shleter <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>What I Want and Why:i want the kennle because its a sponser and i can do more<br>What will I do with money/dogs/:i will if it has a change change it to a training and train for ruscues cheaper than normal training. i will also train for public.
  • Kennel Name: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>What I Want and Why: Kennel; I haven't owned my own sponsor in a long time and am currently renting. I need room for my dogs. If there are changes, I'd make it a boarding or training, but I could use a breeding also. I'm currently renting a kennel but would like one of my own. :)
    1 OAK Count: 309 294gh1g.png
  • Kennel Name: La Défi Vitesse II <span style="font-size:85"></span><br>What I Want and Why: I would love to get the kennel or VPC. I've recently splurged on 2 dyes >.< which was a big mistake. I've had sponser kennels in the past and I miss them dearly :( I've gotten to love my racing greyhounds and love to event them, but I'm finding it hard to keep up with the fastest birthspeeds because I am lacking the VPC to get them D: I've also managed to start lines, but was unable to finish them because of a lack of space, and a lack of VPC. So getting any VPC or even the kennel would be a MAJOR help ^.^ <br>What will I do with money/dogs/: The money would go towards raising, breeding, and eventing greyhounds for exceptional birth speed as well as maintaining high stated dogs on VP.
  • Kennel Name: Brutis Kennels<br>What I Want and Why: The kennel or VPC, i really want the kennel because i need a breeding kennel badly, i would offer free public breedings there as well as use it for personal use. i would like vpc because i always need help paying for giveaways.<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: i plan to use the money for my novice giveaway, and the kennel to do free breedings for people and myself. thank you so much :)
    Training Kennel Boarding Kennel Breeding Kennel Rescue/Collection Kennel
    Read about and Participate in the VP Awards here please xD
  • Kennel Name:Muddy Water Breeding Kennel<br>What I Want and Why:Anything, I'm not picky,lol.<br>What will I do with money/dogs/:I would event the dogs to the best of my ability, I currently own 4 Nationals that I evented from juniors. As far as the money goes, I would donate some to various rescue kennel as well as novices that really need it, and with whatever is left, I would use to put toward event entry fees
  • Kennel Name: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>What I Want and Why: I'm interested in the kennel because of my line of dogs, and recently expired kennel<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: I will donate and help the newer people and also work on teaching them a way to get better dogs with their training, and breeding habits and in overall attempt to help VP
  • Kennel Name:Three L's Kennel<br>What I Want and Why:any of it would make me happy.<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: The kennel I would mainly use to help me continue on making my dogs better, and to help me show my dogs. If I get money, I will make it go towards helping show my dogs, and train the few that need trained. If I get dogs, I will show them to their full capacity, then breed them and continue w/ their offspring. (: My goal would be to get all international leveled dogs. any left over money would go towards some novice helpfund that i thought was appropriet. :)
    "If I could go back in time, wouldn't change a damn thing in my life. Love the dumb things we do when we're young, but the best is yet to come."
  • Kennel Name: Madame's Pups - <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>What I Want and Why: I'm not too picky. Except, I admit, I love this greyhound: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>What will I do with money/dogs/: I would train and show the dogs, and breed them. I'd love to build up my kennel enough to give away trained showing dogs to novices and new members, because it's such a kind gesture. Any money would go towards that attempt and the kennel would serve that purpose as well. However, I'll be grateful for just a dog(:
  • Kennel Name: Nacie's Pups <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>What I Want and Why: Anything you would be kind enough to give me. I do not have a rescue kennel and having one would be a great help for all I do.<br><br>What will I do with money/dogs/: Depending on the dogs, they would be trained if needed and then evented, breed or given away to needy players. <br><br>From my training kennel, I train very cheap for new players that need it. <br><br>From my boarding kennel, I sell dogs very cheap to players that need it or I let them pick out a dog for free. <br><br>From my Breeding kennel, I breed cheaply or for free for players that need it. And then I refer them to my boarding kennel to pick out a dog. I have a few comments about such in my Comments Section in my kennel. lol not many cause I stopped adding the comments. <br><br>Good luck to you and thanks for your consideration!
  • Kennel Name: Klover Valley Kennel<br>What I Want and Why: I would like money or a 10x4 dog or both. I would like them because i am new to this game and want to be successful. THe money could really help me start up my kennel and make it all it can be. The dog could help me make money by winning competitions which would help me be more successful. The dog would also help give me a better start in the game because I wouldn't have to scrimp and save all my money to buy my self a dog that could potentially be of no use to me in the end and I'd be left with nothing.A if i got one of your dogs i would already have a wonderful dog and i could use my extra money to enter it into competeions which could make me and the dog better known. <br>What will I do with money/dogs/: I will use the money and dog to help my kennel become more successful
  • Kennel Name:Dogs4u<br>What I Want and Why:money<br>What will I do with money/dogs/:to help try and pay for my dogs to get trained and to not let vp come a puppy mill again by training rescues and giving them to poorer novices THANK YOU
  • hi i know you will get a lot of repliys and you must be really busy trying to pick the person for the stuff so no hard feelings if you pick someone eles :)<br><br>Kennel Name:blue berry dog rescue centre <br>What I Want and Why:i would love the kennel please :P and because i would make it into a breeding kennel so i can help with all the rare breeds on vp :)<br>What will I do with money/dogs/kennel: I would help keep the rare breeds numbers up like i am breeding the lurchers because theres only 100 on vp :(<br><br>thank you so much for reading and i hope you make the right choose :)
  • is this still goin on?
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Kennel Name: Ocean Kennels<br>What I Want and Why: Anything would be wonderful!<br>What will I do with money/dogs/: If you choose to give me money, 90% of whatever I get will be going to my rescue, Akali's REscue(unique name right :P). The other 10% would be for whatever I want: layout, new dogs, trainings, etc. <br><br>If you choose to give me some 10x4s, all will be shown in what fits them best. I will breed occasionally, but will neuter and sell/retire any pups I do not keep. The pups will usually go to novices who can't afford to buy a good show dog. ;)<br><br>If you choose to give me the kennel, it will most likely be changed to a training, so that I could train up my own resuces, and train for others that can't afford the higher sponsor prices. If any dogs are left on the kennel, they will be shown continuosly and bred occasionally. <br><br>Thanks, and even if I don't get anything, thanks! :mrgreen:
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why we call it the present.
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