Well now that I have NO plans tonight because of my boyfreinds aunt.. I will be on here all night and crying

My boyfriend and his sister just got adopted by his aunt, since his mom died and and grandma (who was their legal guardian). She always yells at them or says stuff to make them mad. But then her Husband who is not even loyal to her or to Andrew and his sister 'drinks' ALOT and also says stuff to them to get them mad. But he doesn't get yelled at -.- Last night it was Andrew, his aunt, his sister and her friend at the dinner table. Andrews other friend Andrew (yeah Andrew to the second power lol) who his aunt calls ''the good andrew'' to get my boyfriend mad.. When she asked my boyfriend if he was staying for dinner.. my boyfriend said no.. so says ''oh the only kid that does like my cooking.. thats a shame'' like that comment was NOT needed.. my boyfriend has ever said anything about her cooking. His sister asked her where she was going because she put her food down and then left the table.. she asked in a nice way because she didnt know if she was leaving the table for good or not and she replys ''im getting the dressing IS THAT OK?!?'' so we left the table because his sister was getting upset.. so HER friend stayed there but should of followed her.. and I followed Andrew. His aunt gives such attitude towards them and when we walked down stairs she yells ''AFTER IM DONE EATING WE ARE BRINGING HOLLEY HOME'' and she yelled at my boyfriend and his friend because they cleaned HER keyboard and because his sister used a metal spatula instead of a rubber one >.> and then she said they couldnt go anywhere tonight.. this was supposed to be his and i's FIRST Halloween together and she completely ruined it by grounding him for NO reason.
