This week, I started volunteering at a daycare near my house. I dont really have a particular reason for doing this or know how long Im going to. But after my first day, I dont think I ever want to have to leave! If you know me, then you probably know how much I -love- babies. And that Ive been babysitting for nearly 8 years now. And that I take care of my little cousin all the time because his mom is gone a lot(this is not something she can control for the time being). Well I get to work in the infant room! With the little babies under a year old(I believe thats what they said. They just kinda threw me in) But these kids are too sweet! Only one could walk, some cant even sit up alone, and some cant even roll over yet. And I loved every minute of it! Im so happy I decided to get out of the house and do something good. Now I will share a story to show you why I love this room:<br><br>I was holding one baby, who cant sit up by hisself yet. This other baby(The one who can walk) was fascinated with me the second I walked int he door because he'd never seen me before. He was chewing on his teether and playing alone in the corner. I was talking to the baby I was holding and the other one walked over to me and tried to stick his teether in my mouth cause he thought Id like to have a chew and he'd share his with me. Is that not the sweetest thing ever?! My heart almost melted. Sorry I dont know their names yet, because theyre were 9 of them and Im not sure which was which xD<br><br>I just thought Id share =3
