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Internet Explorer

edited October 2010 in General Discussion
For some reason my internet explorer stopped working. What happens is the window will open but then shut on its own. I had tried restarting my computer multiple times. I don't know if anyone knew how to maybe fix this?<br><br>And yes, I know I know, internet explorer sucks and FF and all others are superior. I'm just more familiar with IE xD


  • The problem you're describing is why I stopped using IE. Never could figure out how to make it stop.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Darn, I would have at least liked to get my bookmarks off of there.. unless FF has a way of importing them?
  • I don't remember, sorry.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • That's okay. I appreciate the answers :)
  • When you get Safari or google Chrome, your bookmarks are automatically imported. <br>Also, you can find them on your computer in a folder. <br>I'm just not sure where.
  • My mom had this happen to her... she didn't want to use Firefox at all (for the same reason as you) even though I kept nagging her to get Firefox >.> She finally caved in once this happened. Now she loves it.<br><br><br>I thought when you first downloaded firefox it says something about importing bookmarks? I can't remember. It's been so long.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Thanks Maxxy. How is google chrome? I have it but haven't tried it out yet. Would you prefer that or FF? And thanks for the folder idea. I'll have to go hunt!<br><br>Nickel, that sounds familiar but since I already have FF, I didn't get that option listed xD maybe I'll redownload.
  • I've had every browser at one point or another, IE, Safari, Opera, Mozilla, and Chrome, and I like it the most. <br>It seems faster to me, I like how it's a really minimalistic design (no toolbars at the top), and like Mozilla, there are a lot of themes and extensions you can add to it.<br><br>(:
  • I have firefox, and if you to file>import it opens up a wizard to let you import bookmarks, passwords, etc.
  • Ooh thanks Trianna! I will try that. <br><br>Guess I'll use both browers until I pick something I like. Thank you so much for the help everyone~ :)
  • I have Google Chrome, FF, and IE all three on my computer. To me, GC is fastest and easiest to use. I store my FF and IE in a different folder all together and only use GC. My brother prefers FF though 0.0
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