Just babysat for the first time (Ive done my own family) and I asked for 5$ an hour, they looked at me and where like "really?" and they insisted they pay more! The kids are amazing, super easy. And some little girls came over, the neighbors, and one was like 4 and was adorabel. Apperntly Im the best one in the neighborhood, and I will be coming uo much more. <br> My step mom said she did for only like 4 familys, and made over 1000 dollars over the years! (: And then the neighbor people, parents of the little girls asked me to for them and 1. The oldest is in 5th grade, old enough that I can hold a convo with her, and the other one is so-dang-cute and they have a dog wich I adore. Looks like I will finnaly afford to dye my hair back blonde, I dyed it brown wich I hate.<br> Well then some other neighbors where waching me with the kids because I was outside so much and they want me, as well as my prinicpals (well old principals) family. I
