So I am HORRID at Geometry... Bleh.<br>Well I studied my head off for a test I took yesterday in that class. I think I aced it!!<br>Buuut... I did the same with the last test... And failed... The teacher loves trick questions...<br>Gah.. I hope I don't get my hopes up to see a great grade and end up getting a horrid one again..<br>I'm not a fan of my teacher's teaching ways. But whatever. I'll just teach myself I guess. With the book that is XD<br><br>So far I have a C in the class. I really don't think I should be in an Honors Geometry class.. But I can't change it because of my German class. A C is the lowest grade I've ever had. Ever.<br><br>At the end of the test there were random blanks that he left and he said they were just random so there weren't answers for them. I filled them out anyways. All the other answers were like "Definition of congruence" with an example next to them. So I drew a sheep and a cow and wrote "Definition of a farm animal" on the random blank XD

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