I'm going to sound like the regular teenager complaining about her parents and her sad sad sorry life.<br>To some of you I'll just sound like the rest of the whiny girls in the world, to others... Well I'm not sure. [Not saying ALL girls are whiny.]<br><br>But I really don't care about the thoughts going through other people's heads right now. I'd rather just get this thought out of my head.<br><br>My mother, if I can even call her a mother, is the most irresponsible person that I know. And I know a lot of irresponsible people, considering I am a teenager like a lot of people on here.<br><br>Well my mom always forgets to buy groceries, [I usually end up getting my grandma to pick up dog food and food for me and my sisters.] she forgets to do things we ask her to do about 7/8 of the time we ask her, and she's out very very late either at parties with friends or something. I know this because.. Well of obvious reasons. I'm not stupid.<br>I'm a teenage girl and I don't like going to friend's houses [I haven't been to a friend's hour in about 6 months. Same for friends coming over.] that's because I have work to do. <br><br>Dog grooming, caring for my dogs, house work, cleaning, homework, all the like.<br><br>It's rather depressing when a teenage girl says her mother is irresponsible, after all I am a teenager and what are a lot of teenagers? Irresponsible.<br><br>I think it's time for my mom to learn how to grow up.. Instead of forcing me out of my childhood to take her place.<br><br>Today, my grandmother cried because of the way my mom treats me. When she's not gone at a party she's either in her room [complete with the door locked, and if I knock she yells at me.] or she's out yelling at me to do more laundry, cleaning, or whatever.<br>She made me clean her room yesterday...<br><br>I'm just done. <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Grow up mom.</span>

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