Today my puppy had her first class at dog school
:P<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a> < Honey the Puppy<br><br>We got her through a rescue organisation, so she's got one or two psychological issues and is a bit timid. I think she was a little bit overwhelmed by all the other people and their puppies and didn't really want to listen to me. Thankfully the very nice instructor has offered to do a bit of one-on-one to help boost her confidence.<br><br>I still had a great time, even though the lesson wasn't very productive

It was fantastic, meeting so many lovely people and their adorable puppies. Even Honey enjoyed having a run around with the other dogs at the end. Hopefully after a few more lessons she will start to feel more comfortable and relax a bit. <br><br>So, anyone else taking/have taken their dog to school?