Today, I got told I was self centered and selfish. When I asked why they thought this, they said "Because youre an only child. All of you are like that cause youre spoiled." Ummm. Hold up a minute, lets back that train up. I may be spolied. I understand I wouldnt have half the stuff I do now if I had siblings, but its not my fault my parents only had me. Thats not something I can control. But I am NOT self centered and selfish. Im always trying to find volunteer work and love to donate my hard earned money to good causes. I love helping people. When all my friends who have siblings are like "Thats dumb. Why would you waste your time doing that?" Really? WASTE? Theyre far more ungrateful than I am. Sometimes I sit in my room and cry at night when I think of all the people that dont have a nice warm bed to sleep in, or that dont even get dinner that night, or maybe any food at all that day. I feel horrible when I think about all thats wrong in the world these days. I try and try to help, but I am only one person. I cant fix the whole world. Dont call me selfish and self centered because Im an only child, because in my experince, people with siblings are far more selfish and self centered because they think they dont get enough and are always wanting more and trying to one up each other. I dont even know what to think right now.