Kira's started to show signs of being food aggressive/possessive. Last night it started with a bone I gave her (no meat on it, it was a clean pork rib bone. Don't tell me how horrible I am for giving her one. This is not the time, or place, and I don't really care if I'm a terrible person for it.). I walked over to her, and she started to hunch over it and growl. When I didn't back down, she barked and quickly rushed towards me, only getting a couple feet before turning back and hovering over the bone again.<br><br>This morning I hand fed her, and then let her eat from the bowl with one hand in the dish. When she got close to my hand, she barked again, and went for me. <br><br>She's a 4month old German Shepherd/Border Collie mix. I make her sit and lay down before I give her food, and then she has to wait until I tell her it's okay. This is a new behavior, the first time I saw any displays was last night. Vincent has already said he's not going to leave me alone with a dominant, food-aggressive dog, and that if we don't correct her behavior soon, we're going to have to get rid of her.<br><br>Any advice on how to handle food aggression?
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