This is already posted in suggestions, as you certainly know. xD There's no need to really post about it again. It appears as if people have made there way over there. And quite honestly, I wasn't aware that many people are on the forums.
I disagree. I think the vent board should stay. <br>Everyone has opinions and problems, but what it comes down to is how someone reacts and responds to those opinions and problems. Some people use the vent board as it should be, and others take it a bit further than necessary. It wouldn't be fair to punish everyone over mistakes, or a few people that inappropriately use the vent board. I've ignored many posts, but inappropriately responded to a few that rubbed me the wrong way. It's a learning process. The more mistakes I make, then more I learn my limits. One truth is that misunderstandings and arguments will always occur, whether there is a vent board or not. We are all living beings with our own opinions, which can be hard to convey over the internet. Everyone just has to learn how to appropriately respond to these situations, and their will be less problems.
I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
I disagree. I think the vent board should stay. <br>Everyone has opinions and problems, but what it comes down to is how someone reacts and responds to those opinions and problems. Some people use the vent board as it should be, and others take it a bit further than necessary. It wouldn't be fair to punish everyone over mistakes, or a few people that inappropriately use the vent board. I've ignored many posts, but inappropriately responded to a few that rubbed me the wrong way. It's a learning process. The more mistakes I make, then more I learn my limits. One truth is that misunderstandings and arguments will always occur, whether there is a vent board or not. We are all living beings with our own opinions, which can be hard to convey over the internet. Everyone just has to learn how to appropriately respond to these situations, and their will be less problems.
<br><br>I'll just reply here since it's easier. Everyone does have problems, I will agree. People do take things further than necessary. I know we can say that we can control ourselves and know when to stop, but not everyone can. It may not be fair to punish others for the wrongs few people do, but it is needed sometimes. The BP was taken away from novices because they abused it. Did all novices do it? No. Was it fair? Perhaps not. Was it better for the community in the long run? I would like to think that it has been better. I dont see nearly as much spamming or inappropriate content. Rules are made from the people that have abused it when there were none. It happens all the time that the few ruin it. Our school courtyard was closed once because a few people littered. The courtyard seats about 10 people and multiply that by how many lunch periods is 80 people that ruined it for the 3,120 of us remaining. <br><br>Arguments will start on other boards and have occurred on other boards but vent is a board that just raises the risk of this happening. I don't believe its that important to the overall play of the game that it be here. It's a breeding ground for arguments and debates that can get nasty. <br><br>What we have to be reminded of is that while there are adults and upper level high school students on the boards, there are younger kids. I don't know about you, but when I was younger, it was a lot easier to start an argument with someone and I hadn't actually learned anything until I was older. We can say that we need to learn to control but what about the people that dont realize they have to learn it or aren't mature enough to try? <br><br>I dont know.. my main point is that the risks/potential fights (and ones that have occurred)/stress of the boards outweighs the few seconds of relief one might get. (At some points it just may make someone even more fired up about their issue).