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Get to know eachother (friday)

So every few days or daily Ill change this to a random question so we get to know eachother, with all the arguing I see latley.<br> What song makes you just wanna burst out like high school musical? When you hear it what do you imagine?<br> <br> <br> Current Question!> <br> 1. Pet peeves (over)<br> 2.


  • When people go offline without saying a word ._.<br><br>Seriously hate it xD I go to say something and then they're offline, I get left going wahh?
  • When people repeatedly poke me to get my attention or call my name over and over again, especially if it's from behind me. It seems like a normal thing to do when you are trying to get the attention of another person, but I can go from calm, to completely tensed up and angry in a second when people do that do me.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • LOL I have so many pet peeves it's ridiculous. My top one, as a lot of my friends know from me complaining... is when I can hear people eating/chewing gum. It drives me up a wall. Sometimes I just get angry and leave... but when its in CLASS I cannot concentrate, and I sit there and try my damn hardest to ignore it, but I focus all my attention on trying to ignore it that I don't pay attention in class. it's bad xD I know a lot of other people have that pet peeve, but mine is on such an intensity level.<br><br><br>Another, is people texting anywhere near me, or just texting overall. I have never once texted, and don't intend to, and when other people do it, especially since they are so obsessed with it, it makes me want to slam their phone into the ground at times. Especially when they are walking in front of me at a super slow pace because they are too busy texting to walk. Someone did this a couple weeks ago, and I walked in front of her and was like "People shouldn't text and walk at the same time" loud enough so she could hear >.> (I was talking to my brother, so I didn't look totally insane) Also, when they are driving, it's even worse. For one, it's not safe. For another, if you can't wait until you are to your destination to respond to a text, then turn your phone off, or have the decency to pull over or something, instead of endangering other drivers, or pedestrians. <br><br><br>While we are on the subject of cars...tail-gating! Especially at night! It blinds me, so I go slower because I can't see. So, they are defeating what they think is a purpose of making me go faster.<br><br><br>(I will stop now XD I'm just an annoyed person)
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I have three<br> Come on eilieen> I imagnie im in overalls in a park, a school picnic and everyones happy gettign along eating burgers. We all break out in song in our over alls sining "tolla toola tolla rye ay!" (im listening to it as i type)<br><br> Benny and the jets by elton jon- I imagine im in a cafetira, and i just start humming the tune, so someone enxt to me someone sings the words kind of mumbly, then the whole table does, and now everyone is singing perferctly, im on a table saying "shes got electric boots, a mohari suite...." and then at the end everyones like "BENNY, BENNY BENNY!<br><br>and last but not least, Barracuda by heart. I imagine me and friends are walkign super slow motion, with sun glasses down a busy side walk, where all super heros swinging from spidey webs saving people! Pretty intense stuff!
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