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Allie (Continutation)

Must read part one!
When I got home. She would be asleep when I got home every day. I remembered some of my friends having puppies, yet there puppies were not sick, or look like raw hamburger meat because they had no hair! Allie was about 7 months now, and I was not giving up,and she was not either. Some times I'd take her out for fresh air on a "walk" in the stroller, that is the closeset we'd ever get to a walk. She was always me little angel, she winked at me all the time. She started to get better, while she was still going to alot of vets. It stayed the same for about 8 more months, she started getting stronger, she would stand up, and walk around. I would still stay up all night watching her to make her she was alright. Did I tell you her ear curved over? Well it did, she stated getting better, and it stood straight up. :) I could even take her on walks around te house (I was very excited!) Now Allie was little over a year old, she still did not have all her fur back yet though. Allie turned 2 and she was pretty much all better, her little cute eye-brows grew back, just as I had hoped. She begun to be happy and playful, but still got tired pretty easily, when we started playing more, and doing agility she stopped getting tired. Allie came and comes every where with me now, I am very glad to have such a survoir like her! 3 months 2 weeks and one day later, my neighbors house caught on fire at night, Allie was in her crate and started barking and trying to get out. My dad came down stairs because he heard her, he called the fire department and called them, of course they did not answer their phone, but Allie ran over threre when the fire fighters came. They gave Allie a dog treat :) But she could not eat it because she can only have special treats because of her allergies. My neightbors thanked us, while they should have been thanking Allie. She was a hero, and I knew she was in the beggining. To this day she has a twitch because as the resuly the has neroligical brain damage, but is a very smart dog! I am very proud to be her owner and she is priceless to me, my life would not be complete without her always there. Allie loves agility and is very active and has lots of enery now to make up for when she did not. She is a fun-loving little girl to have around although she drives me bonkers with her bad behavoir, I love her. I love you Allie!-Patty


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