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We rescued Allie when she was 2 months old from a rescue about 12 hours away. We filled out the adoption form, we went and met "Sunshine" they called her. We got there and I saw her, it was love at first sight. For a puppy, she did not play much and was pretty quite, her best friend at the rescue was a big great dance "Ace". We got to go in her kennel thing and she walked over and licked me little brother's face (Don't think he really liked that but I thought is was cute). I wanted to play with what I thought was a great dog, she did not seem to want to play much, but I still loved her alot. We all decided that is was the dog we really wanted, we took her on a walk, she did not seem to pull on the leash or any thing, will filled out some paper work my mom gave me a bag, told me to open it it was a leasha nd collar for my new puppy,took her to get micro chipped, get her shots, all that good stuff. Hauled her all the way back home, she still did not play often and seemed to sit around alot, she never had alot of engery like a puppy should. About 4 days later, I saw that she had hair loss around her eyes, she lost more and more hair all around her body. We took her to the vet and they said she was just shedding. (Wrong!) She kept losing loads off hair, she barely had any left. We took her to a special vet and they said she had mainge (Probably spelled that wrong) She got some medicine, lots ok it, I was shoving 4 pills down her throat each day, atleast! She did not seem to get better, we took her back to the vet, her mainge had not cleared up, and they said she was probably going to die so let's go ahead and put her to sleep. Then they said she also had kennel cough. My mom did not like the idea of putting her to sleep, we took Allie back home. All she did was lay around I dreamed of playing ball with her and taking her on walks. She did not seem to get better. We took her to another vet, which was a much better vet, who actually believed she would make it. She got different medicine from there, which seemed to help a little bit. I would not image it would be good for a puppy to have so many pills to take and feel so bad. When she seemed to start getting worse in stead of better, everyone in my family but me started doubting her,they did not want to get more attached to her if they knew she was just going to die. I lied down with Allie all the time. I loved that dog so much. There were a couple days when I thought she was going to die right there next to me. It was all harder because I was doing a major end of the year test and I had to cope with thinking about Allie,and if she was even going to be alive when I do
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