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Dog line: looking to get 10x4's

edited October 2010 in General Discussion
So Kazuko and I have been working on a chow chow line, we used 4 pairs of imports but the final dog came out to 8x4.. we are really looking to get 10x4's. any advice on what to do?


  • You can either inbreed, or get more imports.
  • Do you know if theres a post for inbreeding? I looked in tips and tricks and couldnt seem to find it
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">viewtopic.php?f=16&t=64195</a>
  • I would get more imports personally. Another 8 and you should get 10x4s. Inbreeding can cause lower stats and they won't let you inbreed too closely related dogs
  • I will get more imports thanks :)
  • You can inbreed anything but brother/sister or parent/child. So, inbreeding really isn't that restricted. Using another 8 imports would be the better way to go though since you already have clean lines, it'd be a shame to ruin that ^^ Good luck.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">viewtopic.php?f=16&t=49366</a><br>I don't support inbreeding but try this with yout next set of imports, i usually start with 16 imports personally and then have my Gen2s as the top line. and once you have both lines you can cross breed by subbing in the best pups and starting over. but if you want to inbreed make your 8x4 pups the top row of this chart and go about it that way, most people don't dig that far in a dogs line to check inbreeding trust me when i was "recovering" the rottie breed EVERY rottie was inbred that i came across sometimes i just had to go back 20 or so gens but trust me give me a rottie i will find the inbreeding! sorry for the rant good luck with the chows
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