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That one Person

Does anyone have that one friend that no matter how much you change, how long you havent seen eachother, you guys will always be like family?<br> Well I had a best friend for years, and we didnt see eachother for like two, and we saw eachother last night because of some mutual friends and *bam* best friends again. And it seems like I just know him! Everything, I love him so much (in a completley friendly way) dont know what id do without him! (; And on top, we used to be like the egzact same, and in our 2 years without eachother we completley changed yet we still are besties!


  • Vampy and I are like that!! We met the very first pre-k, we sat by each other at lunch without knowing each other and she accidentally spilled her chocolate milk on my FAVORITE outfit and i was so angry. i started crying and she got in trouble.. we got our bear pulled and wasn't able to have our party Friday in class xD Been best friend ever since! We went for a while without talking and without hanging out but now we talk and hang out a lot more xD We are still best friends and know almost everything about each other. We used to be REALLY different but now our interests have kinda mushed together xD I know exactly how you feel.
  • Lol you to do seem very close. And pre-k? Arent you guys in like high school?! Thats so long, and so cute! 0=
  • Yup! We are seniors this year xD haha sooooo Pre-K to Seniors. Umm.. 14 years. PLUS we are both going to the same college to get our associates degree in Nursing then transferring to the same state college for another set of years xD
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