I have like 2-4 hours of homework every night and I'm in grade 10. Is that normal?<br>Plus I need a math tutor, never have been good at it -- I take notes, ask LOTS of questions, I just DON'T get it. Especially those damn word problems. Never liked those. But in every single class, I take notes, I do the work in class, I read the textbooks, I ask questions, and somehow, I still end up with a HUGE amount of homework. -_-<br>I have Math, Social Studies, English, Planning (some stupid class about futures and crap that doesn't help me choose a job WHATSOEVER, the teacher must be like friggen 90 that forgets EVERYTHING), and Art right now. And since math, socials, and english are all every second day, I have them all year. Woohoo. Not.<br><br>I'm so stressed. I don't have time for chores. I get home at four, eat something and relax for an hour, and basically do homework until I can't do it anymore or I have to go to bed. I wake up tired every morning.<br><br>This sucks, maybe I'm just being a baby. ):