My parents are seperated, well they where never really together I chould say. My dad always back slashes my mom and the family. I hate my mom and I dont care what he says about her but my family? He calls us rednecks because they hunt, and love the country and stuff. But her look at this<br><br> Uncle bobby- Dont know job, something fancy<br> Aunt em-Forensic Scientist <br> Step dad- engineer <br> Mom- Goverment<br> Unle Steve- Architecht<br> Uncle John- Builds Helicopters and planes. <br> Just examples- Does this sound redknecky?<br> <br>DADS side-<br> uncle-radio shack worker<br> tc-no idea, but know its crappy<br> uncle-police officer<br> grnadma-assitant<br><br> Now im not saying people with these jobs are "redknecks" what im saying is when you hear "forensic scientist" you think wow, what a smart lady. Not redkeck. But radio shack...? MOST people dont think as they whould of a forensic scietinst. And my moms family sticks toghther, loves eachother. And I just hate that he keeps saying this stuff.