hah! i have been working on a new layout for ages and now this one is NOT completely done, it is my start and i just want some thoughts on it because honestly i really like it. <a href="
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=166059" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=166059</a><br><br>then i have two questions because it's bugging the shiz outta me. i was able to edit the 'owned by' part because it was a header and you can just css that, but does anyone know if i can edit the kennel name further, as it is bothering me as it doesn't really look nice with the whole thing. and then, the little circle part, the phoenix div, i want that in front of the transparent div, and for some reason the z-index stuff isn't working, so if you could help me out with that, it would be awesome.<br><br>otherwise, thoughts on it?<br><br>OKAY, i am slow. i fixed the z-index part, so just wondering about the kennel name, still would appreciate thoughts
