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Ok so I see there picture on a fourm banenr somehwere and a friend talks about them. Now im not ussall into that stuff. I like kelly clarkson and 80's music, but I got curious and looked them up and I LOVE them! I just judged them by there mask, wich honestly arent that pleasant but there music is great!


  • "that stuff"? You mean metal?
  • like ya metal, hard rock, and there mask made it look kind of gorry.
  • I'm pretty sure that's the point. lol
  • Clearing things up before they get started! The masks are so you focus on the music. The musicians dont want you focusing on them, so they use the masks so you pay attention to the music. (So Ive heard from one of their interviews) They are not meant for the purpose of scaring people. Depending on who you talk too, some people dont consider them metal. Some people do. It depends. I dont care personally, because I listen to anything that falls between country, to light rock, to heavy metal, so it doesnt bother me what people label their music. Ive been a fan for over 5 years, and have seen them live. Glad you enjoy them! If you ever want to try out some other new bands like them, I can give you some you might like!
  • Watch Stone Sour videos, then you see Corey without a mask ;D He is very normal looking ^^
    ^ Click for comics
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