BLA!!!!!! firt off I will start off with my bunny poppy ^_^ <br><br><br>Poppy,my bunny, drives my parents insane. He makes a mess in his cage smells no matter how much i clean it and keeps them awake at night. They are now sinking to a new low. Trying to bribe me with something I've been wantin for forever. A NEW LAPTOP!!! seriously,why they gotta do this to me. Yes, my bunny is a ton of work since I wash his cage twice a day morning and night and everything else,but I cant just get ride of him.Plus my grandparents spentt a ton of money on my Poppy,I would feel so rude,to just give him to a family.Now,My mom is telling my grandparents that I slack on cleaning my bunnies cage,and that gets on my nerves cuz I clean it twice a day washing it with soap and water.It really bugs me that they say that becayse it makes it look like it all my fault. <br><br><br>Tommorrow, Is my mom's uncle's funeral.It won't be a good day. I wont be going to thefuneral,because being around sad people make me sad.and im just not good at Aunt funeral was enough to last a life-time. So yea, tommorrow wont be my best day. <br><br><br>Right now,Poppy is laying down is hi cage staring at me. My bro and cuzin are playing X box,and my sis is watching. everyone else is asleep.I have family here uncle his girlfriend and their 2 kids. My little cuzin was sitting on my lap earlier..she my little buddy.I chase her around the house all the time. <br><br>Today,was good,I guess I need a good before a bad.I woke up early and my mom unlce his daughter,and his GF went to my grandparents house,to comfort stepdad left for awilr to work. my bro and cuzin slept to like 2pm since they were up till 6am on the xbox.I played on here alittle and cleane up a bit.later today we played outside with a football,and my stepdad played with us.It was
SmiLe :)