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This makes me mad....

edited October 2010 in Vent
So I was at karate last night and it was a mostly black belt class, and the youngest black belt there was about 12 years old and she was testing up to be a 2 degree decided black belt. Both of her parents take karate with her and that night her mom was taking the class with her. Her mom is a senior red belt who is almost a recommended black belt. The black belts were free sparring with each other (fake fighting with gear on) and after everyone was told to take there gear off besides the 12 year old girl. The teacher matched her up with a black belt that was in 9 grade and the were supposed to spar for a two minute round. After a minute the 12 year old girl was really tired and she wasn't doing to well and her mom shouted from the side to fight and keep going. At almost the end of the round her mom kept shouting and the girl was in tears from being yelled at, I heard the mom say to another lady I am not going to deal with this crying crap anymore. I thought to myself she was really trying and she was tired. The girl had fought 3 rounds prior to this. After her round was over she got another partner who was like 20 years old and she fought him for another two minute round, her partner let her win and once the round was over she was still crying. This makes me so mad because the girl was trying her best and her mom was yelling at her. After she finished she had to do her form ( a pattern of movements). She was amazing! She looked like a very strong dancer, her mom didn't clap. Then another girl went and her mom clapped for that girl. Well this is the end of my little vent....


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