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Ok so I have to do a research paper for school and it cant be horses (I know right its horrible!!!! xD) but I want to do a country with lots of animals like India,or I might think of doing Germany because I am part german xD but Im looking for ideas. Can be a person,country,etc just no horses sadly :/ lol. I will post my whole research paper once I finish it. It isnt due till December 16th but I want to start it and get it over with xD<br><br>Ideas?
I <3 Keith Urban!


  • Is this supposed to be a formal research paper with citations and a works cited page? .... or is it just a younger grade project? Is there supposed to be a certain theme to your paper? Like, is it supposed to be issues today? Do you choose anything you want? Do you have the rubric for what you're being graded on? How long should it be?<br><br>Sorry, lots of questions but they are important. I'm not sure what grade you're in but in 9-12th grade here you have to do a big formal paper. You have to do notecards, cite your sources, etc. I think for us seniors when we do our paper, it has to be about 8-10pages.
  • tarnish wrote:
    Is this supposed to be a formal research paper with citations and a works cited page? .... or is it just a younger grade project? Is there supposed to be a certain theme to your paper? Like, is it supposed to be issues today? Do you choose anything you want? Do you have the rubric for what you're being graded on? How long should it be?<br><br>Sorry, lots of questions but they are important. I'm not sure what grade you're in but in 9-12th grade here you have to do a big formal paper. You have to do notecards, cite your sources, etc. I think for us seniors when we do our paper, it has to be about 8-10pages.
    <br>im in 7th certain theme except if I choose a country i will have to correspond with 1-3 missionarys from there. yes bascially anything. it is going to be around 5-7 pages long at the absolute most. <br>i have to do notecards here also xD
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Maybe you should go along with the class when you write it. Most teachers will have checkpoints which can be really helpful. Getting your idea as soon as possible is a good thing to do though.<br><br>What if you did a country you weren't really familiar with at all? It would create a chance at you learning something totally new. I also think doing issues in todays society would be a good idea. You can google and find a whole list of what is going on today from bullying in schools to using cell phones in class to the legal driving age (talk about maybe raising or lowering it).
  • ok.<br>what do you think i should choose then?
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • Well, did you even google for a list of research paper topics like I said? I can't choose what you write about, only give you ideas and my idea was for you do pick a relevant issue. You should write a paper on a topic that interests you. If you are interested in a topic, you're more likely to write more and not find it dull.
  • tarnish wrote:
    Well, did you even google for a list of research paper topics like I said? I can't choose what you write about, only give you ideas and my idea was for you do pick a relevant issue. You should write a paper on a topic that interests you. If you are interested in a topic, you're more likely to write more and not find it dull.
    <br>yeah true.<br>I was thinking of maybe India because of what the main religion (Hinduism) is and telling mostly what they believe
    I <3 Keith Urban!
  • well im in the 7th grade, i did a essay on Europe. My teacher fell in love with it. You could do that . it works :D
  • I suggest Tanzania or Madagascar. I've done reports on the animals of each before, and it was fun.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
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